Timer scripts associated with Main Calendar Window

Notes on our latest calendar for FileMaker 13,: DayBack
Posts: 66
Joined: Wed Nov 27, 2013 5:51 am
PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 4:40 am
Hello -

I've wanted to set up a timer script to run continuously in the background. I've found that I can't associate timers with the main window, because DayBack utilizes its own timers for various reasons, and mine get bumped.

My question is: is there a point where all of your timers have performed their checks, etc., and I can then install my own for the duration of the user session?

I've used the strategy of setting up an off screen window and associating my timers with that, but that is a less than satisfactory, as the window sometimes pops on screen, and often confuses users who have closed all visible windows, but find that they can't relaunch the Calendar (because the file still open with the window off screen).

Thank you!
SeedCode Staff
SeedCode Staff
Posts: 357
Joined: Tue Nov 08, 2016 1:54 pm
PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 11:45 am
Hi wsmiii,

That's a tricky task with DayBack. I'll dive into this a bit and let you know what I find!


SeedCode Staff
SeedCode Staff
Posts: 357
Joined: Tue Nov 08, 2016 1:54 pm
PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 5:13 pm
Hi wsmiii,

The idea of the off-screen window really is probably the best way to accomplish your own persistent ontimer methods, as DayBack uses quite a few OnTimer script throughout the use of the file, especially when using your own event layouts.

If the off-screen window is coming into view, one of your scripts is possibly leaving the focus on the off-screen window when another script runs in the context of the current window (which is currently your off-screen one). So in your scripts, make sure to return the focus to the original window, or the $$sc_SolutionWindowName window.

Additionally, you could have your ontimer script monitor to see if there are any other windows open, or if the $$sc_SolutionWindowName window (the main calendar window) has been closed, and then close itself so it is not left open after all the remaining windows are closed.

I hope that helps!



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