Can't install 10.55 update and french translation !

I just made the change in my file from 10.54 to 10.55 (script and built number), but the button "install update" return an error... and no clue what is the problem ?
And while I have the time
, the french dialog, the text is mixed of french and english and is not 100% translated!
From account parameters

After clicking "check for update"

"Install Update" should be "Installer la mise à jour"
"What's new" should be "nouveauté?" or "quoi de neuf?"
Then the
section is only english, if you want I can translate it for you.
Then after clicking "install update"
The error message is good, but the "what's new?" is not.

The centre blue section "We hope you're enjoying....." is only in english.

The link "SeedCode Subscribe" is ... ndar-sync/
send us to an older version, no longer supported !! You should update the link to DayBack Online
And the top section

"Produt:" should be "Produit:"
"Subscribe to in-app updates...." should be "Abonné aux mises à jour pour un nombre illimité d'usagers (Annuel)"
"Numero" should be "Numéro"
The status read: your subscription was renewed for 342 days, but shouldn't be "your subscription is valid for 342 days" ?? If that's the case in french is: "Statut: Votre abonnement est encore valide pour 342 jours."
I just made the change in my file from 10.54 to 10.55 (script and built number), but the button "install update" return an error... and no clue what is the problem ?
And while I have the time

From account parameters

After clicking "check for update"

"Install Update" should be "Installer la mise à jour"
"What's new" should be "nouveauté?" or "quoi de neuf?"
Then the

Then after clicking "install update"
The error message is good, but the "what's new?" is not.

The centre blue section "We hope you're enjoying....." is only in english.

The link "SeedCode Subscribe" is ... ndar-sync/
send us to an older version, no longer supported !! You should update the link to DayBack Online

And the top section

"Produt:" should be "Produit:"
"Subscribe to in-app updates...." should be "Abonné aux mises à jour pour un nombre illimité d'usagers (Annuel)"
"Numero" should be "Numéro"
The status read: your subscription was renewed for 342 days, but shouldn't be "your subscription is valid for 342 days" ?? If that's the case in french is: "Statut: Votre abonnement est encore valide pour 342 jours."