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Duplicating Notes Module
Wed Jan 28, 2015 8:33 pm
by kbjackson
I really love the way Contact Notes work, so much so that I have recreated the entire module to make a new progress notes section. I went through a lot of work copying and modifying tables, TO's, scripts and layouts and have everything working except the delete portal row script.
I used script debugger to see how the delete and confirm delete scripts worked with Notes and my copy of Notes works the same way except that none of the portal rows are deleted.
How does the portal row delete really work?
Please help. Ken
Re: Duplicating Notes Module
Thu Jan 29, 2015 6:11 am
by jeffalmquist
Hi Ken. After you've clicked on a note in the portal, and you are viewing the note on the "Edit Note" panel, there is another small slide panel surrounding just the "cancel/save/delete" buttons. If you click "delete", you'll slide to the next panel, which contains the "cancel/confirm delete" buttons. That "confirm delete" button runs a script that does a few things, including "Delete Portal Row [No Dialog]". HTH -Jeff
Re: Duplicating Notes Module
Thu Jan 29, 2015 11:09 am
by kbjackson
Yes, I found the "confirm delete" button script but it will not delete the note. Of course I probably missed something when duplicating the Notes module but I can't figure out what.
What is the best way to troubleshoot the script and why it's not deleting the portal row? It seems to work but the portal row is never deleted.
Re: Duplicating Notes Module
Thu Jan 29, 2015 12:17 pm
by jeffalmquist
If you have FileMaker Advanced, use the Script Debugger to watch what the scripts are doing and see where expected behavior is failing. This would be pretty tough to troubleshoot without FileMaker Advanced.
Re: Duplicating Notes Module
Fri Jan 30, 2015 12:19 am
by kbjackson
Figured it out.