Version 4.50 DayBack

Notes on the new SeedCode Complete template for FileMaker 13
SeedCode Staff
SeedCode Staff
Posts: 691
Joined: Mon Feb 28, 2011 2:47 pm
PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:46 am
Hi Everybody,

SeedCode Complete 4.50 introduces an integrated version of our DayBack Calendar. SeedCode Complete 4.50 has a new calendar file that contains both DayBack and the WebDirect layouts. The upon opening routine will determine if you are in a WebDirect session or in Pro/Go and branch accordingly. For customers with an earlier version who have upgraded to 4.50, please use the following instructions to add DayBack to your copy of Complete.

As with all FileMaker integrations, it's important to follow these steps in order! 8)

1. Contact [email protected] to request the latest copy of the files.

2. Back-Up your current copies of SeedCode Complete files. For reals.

3. If you have changed the name of the Events table occurrence in your current copy of SeedCodeModel, then please change it back to Events for the integration. This will prevent any references from breaking. Once the integration is complete, you can change the table occurrence name back to whatever you'd like.

4. In your current SeedCodeModel Events table change the following fields names:

z_LinkedWithinProject -> DBk_LinkedWithinProject
z_MilestoneSort -> DBk_MilestoneSort
z_Notified -> DBk_Notified
z_Repeating_id -> DBk_Repeating_id
zscTimestampStartCalcNum -> DBk_TimestampStartCalcNum
zscTimestampEndCalcNum -> DBk_TimestampEndCalcNum
zscEventSummaryCalc -> DBk_EventSummaryCalc

5. From the v4.50 version of the SeedCodeModel file Events table, copy the following fields:


and paste into your current copy of the SeedCodeModel Events table.

Copying fields requires FileMaker Advanced. If you don't have FileMaker Advanced, please get in touch and we'd be happy to get a copy of your files and perform this step for you.

6. From the v4.50 version of the SeedCodeModel file Contacts table, copy the following fields:


and paste into your current copy of the SeedCodeModel Contacts table.

Repeat this step for the Projects table.

7. From the v4.50 version of the SeedCodeModel file CalendarColors table, copy the Contents of the calculation field ColorDisplay and paste it over the contents of the same calculation field in your current SeedCodeModel Calendar Colors table.

Paste Contents.png
Paste Contents.png (99.29 KiB) Viewed 11080 times

8. From the v4.50 version of the SeedCodeModel file CalendarColors table, copy the Sort field and paste into your current copy of the SeedCodeModel Contacts table.

9. Add the SeedCodeCompleteDayBack.fmp12 file to your SeedCode Complete folder.

Folder.png (72.74 KiB) Viewed 11080 times

10. Add SeedCodeCompleteDayBack as an External Data Source as shown. This control is accessed through File / Manage / External Data Sources

External Data Sources.png
External Data Sources.png (82.39 KiB) Viewed 11080 times

11. From the v4.50 SeedCodeComplete file, copy the entire script Maximize Window and paste into your current copy of SeedCode Complete. (This script lives below the Adjust Window Script in the Housekeeping folder if you'd like to keep in the same place in your file).

12. From the v4.50 SeedCodeComplete file, copy the contents of the following six scripts:

Go To Calendar [Hide]
Open Home Event in Calendar
Open Contact Event in Calendar
Open Project in Gantt Chart
Adjust Window

and paste them into the same scripts on you current version. Do not delete the scripts, rather just replace their contents. This ensures that the references to these scripts (buttons, etc.) stay intact. Make sure you completely overwrite the previous contents of the script when pasting the contents.

13. Update the Load Resources script in the SeedCodeCompleteDayBack file to match the Resource Value List you are currently using. Please visit here for more on Resources in DayBack.

14. Widen the Splash layout in your current copy of SeedCodeComplete to 1346 pixels. Once you've widened the layout, you can copy the objects from the v4.50 version of SeedCodeComplete onto the layout, or adjust/center them manually. This step widens the SeedCode Complete Window to match the wider DayBack window.

15. Remove the External Data Reference to the old calendar file and remove the file from the SeedCode Complete folder as it is no longer needed.

That's it!

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