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Navigation problem after login

PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 5:14 pm
by Regine
Hi John and Dan,

I have found a navigation problem, that only seems to occur right after the first login.

I was wondering why my colleague complaint, but now I can see, that something is wrong.
After the first login, I navigate to Contacts.
When I click on an existing note to view it, it goes to the edit panel, however when I try to either cancel or save, it is not returning to the normal Contact view panel, it just stays in the edit panel. It seems to refresh the screen and save the note though.
Same for new notes, it just stays in the edit panel.

I haven't made any changes to these scripts, so I am a bit lost.

Once I have managed to go back to the view panel by navigating to Projects and Companies and going back and fore a couple of times it seems then the view of notes works without problems.

Have you had this happening before?


Kind regards


Re: Navigation problem after login

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 9:19 am
by DanW
Hi Regine,

Thanks for reaching out on this. I have heard of this behavior once before -- although it seemed to occur very rarely and randomly. I have not been able to reproduce it. It sounds like you only see this when editing or creating a note for the first time after opening the file; is that correct?

A couple questions for you to try to learn more about your setup. Is Complete hosted on a FileMaker Server? What version of Complete are you running (likely either 4.37 or 4.50)?

Thanks again!

Re: Navigation problem after login

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 9:32 pm
by Regine
Hi Dan,

Thanks for your response.

After I sent the message I started to have the problem almost ongoing. I logged out and gone back to the original files I had purchased and taken screen shots of all the scripts etc and compared it with my amended version, but couldn't find any difference. Today I tried again and just got rather frustrated, when I had a brain wave!

After looking at the content of the variables while using buttons - I just popped them on the bottom of the layout - I noted, that when it failed it came up with "// $$sc_contactPreviousPanel" instead of the actual panel name.
I remembered I had seen it somewhere. So after digging I found a script I had added to search for a particular set of records and at the end I called the script "Slide to Contact Panel [Panel Name] and it had as Parameter: // $$sc_contactPreviousPanel

I am not sure, why I added the //, perhaps I thought I am disabling the parameter but in fact I had changed it to text creating all the problems.

Since then I haven't been able to replicate the problem. So hopefully this was it.

Thanks for your help anyway, made me think more and eventually got to it.


Kind regards


Re: Navigation problem after login

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 10:40 am
by DanW
Glad to hear it, Regine!

Thanks for letting me know you solved it. Yes, I've done that before -- attempting to comment out a single line calculation often makes FileMaker Pro assume you are entering text, so it automatically wraps the commented-out calculation in quotes.

Keep us posted if you have other questions.

All the best,
