Is there a maximum number of printable pages in FMP 7.0

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 9:26 am
I have a single record fmp file which prints as a merged field report across multiple pages.
In 5.5 I had to split the merge fields across two layouts because there was a 12 page (?) print limit.
I had an idea that the new all singing and dancing FMP 7.0 offered umlimited page printing; meaning that I could print all of the document from within the one layout.
Am I wrong?
SeedCode Staff
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 5:54 am
Moonunit wrote:I had an idea that the new all singing and dancing FMP 7.0 offered umlimited page printing; meaning that I could print all of the document from within the one layout.

Hi. There is still a length limit to any one layout (about 11 pages depending on your page setup).

However, you may be able to get the same merge-field-effect by moving your merge fields into text fields using something like this function:

You could then create as many records as you needed, spreading the print out over several records instead of over several layouts.


John Sindelar
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 6:49 am
Thanks for that John.
I'll have a play with the suggested code and see if that helps me at all.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 5:24 pm
I tried to get my head around the MergeText-Field possibilities, but I’m just not a practised enough coder to get to grips with what’s being suggested.
To my untutored eye, the solution on offer looks like it converts my merge fields (which originate as fields in their own right) back into fields?

I have tried a complete re-write, splitting my db into multi-records, which kind of works, but leaves me with similar page-break formatting problems that I had before when it printed across multiple layouts.

I think I need to rephrase my original question and see if anybody can suggest a more efficient way of achieving what I originally set out to do – it may be that a more experienced eye (when the problem is explained properly) can suggest a completely different approach...

SeedCode Staff
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 6:20 am
Moonunit wrote:I think I need to rephrase my original question and see if anybody can suggest a more efficient way of achieving what I originally set out to do – it may be that a more experienced eye (when the problem is explained properly) can suggest a completely different approach...

Could be.

The gist of what I was suggesting would look like this: say you had a contract to print that was 20 pages long. You obviously couldn't make that one layout as the layouts are only about 11 pages long. So, you'd build a new table of "contract clauses" where each section of the contract was a record with the clause contained in a text field. Some clause records would be less than a page, some several pages long. If you found all the clauses for one contract (all the records) and viewed them in preview mode, a little careful use of headers and footers would get them to look like a single, 20 page (or longer) contract.

The custom function I mentioned is just a handy way to use merge fields in a text field instead of in a layout object.
John Sindelar
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 6:45 am
Hiya John,
I just had one of those 'Damscus'/Eureka moments...

My initial (revised) attempt was to create two records which included multiple text fields and radio buttons. Your suggestion would be to put every single paragraph into it's own record, yes? Then view all of them columnar style, with a find based (presumably) on the radio button.
Then the self same layout, in found mode, would be the report?

I'm trying it now...

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 9:27 am
I’ve posted an update on General Support/Lateral Thinking...

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