Error 201

Notes on our latest calendar for FileMaker 13,: DayBack
Posts: 50
Joined: Mon Dec 21, 2009 8:45 am
PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 8:28 pm
Just did a re-integration of DayBack, going up many versions.

I basically started over, replacing all the scripts and layouts. The only thing I didn't replace were the tables. I did add in the DBk_tags and the Location fields to the Source tables.

Everything is starts up and the data seems to be displaying properly but now I'm getting a 201 error whenever I try to add in a new event.

Suggestions as to where to look first?

Three sources, all appear to be mapped correctly. Error happens with any of the sources.
Posts: 50
Joined: Mon Dec 21, 2009 8:45 am
PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 5:11 am
In tracing through the debugger I found that the error was being triggered in the Created Edit Delete Event (souceNo, Operation) script. Specifically in the Edit/Create section and the IF statement for Status.

I checked that status field mapping in my 3 sources and they are all pointing to the correct field, correct table. As I'm not using the Status field I modified the Load script to hide the field in the web viewer popover. The error was still happening when we try to add an event.

Finally, and this probably isn't the optimal solution, I commented out the Status field IF statement block in the Create Edit Delete Event script. Reload everything and it seems to be fine.

Also - in the Delete section, the Delete Record/Request step that the Dialog option set to ON. So when an event was removed there was the Webviewer conformation and then the FileMaker confirmation. Set the dialog to "No dialog".
SeedCode Staff
SeedCode Staff
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 8:44 am
Hi Dave,

Nice work reintegrating to the latest DayBack. And thanks for the details on this -- sounds like you've narrowed in on the issue.

That 201 error means the field cannot be modified, which is commonly thrown when we try to set/edit a Calculation field. Since you're seeing it in the Status section of the Create Edit Delete Event script, you likely have a calculation field mapped to status for one or more sources (on the Source No layouts).

Your solution to disable the Status IF section does work to get past the error, but if you have some sources where Status *is* editable, then changing an event's status in DayBack won't actually be saved. Another solution is described in our troubleshooting doc

Error 201: "Field Can't Be Modified." Make sure that all of the fields you mapped on the "Source No 1" layout are writable; that is, not calculation fields. If you are using a calc field for any of those fields, try changing it to a Text field, then set it up to auto-enter a calculated value instead.

Note though that if your calculation references a related field, changing that related field will *not* update the field's auto-enter calculation automatically. So, take a little extra care when converting an unstored calc field to an auto-enter calc.

Please let us know if this helps or if you have any other questions. Thanks!
Posts: 50
Joined: Mon Dec 21, 2009 8:45 am
PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 11:05 am
Thanks Dan.
SeedCode Staff
SeedCode Staff
Posts: 190
Joined: Tue Sep 22, 2015 2:27 pm
PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 11:08 am
Sure thing, Dave.

And thanks for the note about the delete dialog! I'll pass it along to the team here.

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