Can't install 10.55 update and french translation !

Notes on our latest calendar for FileMaker 13,: DayBack
Posts: 58
Joined: Thu Nov 29, 2018 4:56 pm
PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 3:25 pm

I just made the change in my file from 10.54 to 10.55 (script and built number), but the button "install update" return an error... and no clue what is the problem ?

And while I have the time :D , the french dialog, the text is mixed of french and english and is not 100% translated!

From account parameters

After clicking "check for update"

"Install Update" should be "Installer la mise à jour"
"What's new" should be "nouveauté?" or "quoi de neuf?"

Then the :!: section is only english, if you want I can translate it for you.

Then after clicking "install update"

The error message is good, but the "what's new?" is not.

The centre blue section "We hope you're enjoying....." is only in english.

The link "SeedCode Subscribe" is ... ndar-sync/
send us to an older version, no longer supported !! You should update the link to DayBack Online :wink:

And the top section

"Produt:" should be "Produit:"
"Subscribe to in-app updates...." should be "Abonné aux mises à jour pour un nombre illimité d'usagers (Annuel)"
"Numero" should be "Numéro"

The status read: your subscription was renewed for 342 days, but shouldn't be "your subscription is valid for 342 days" ?? If that's the case in french is: "Statut: Votre abonnement est encore valide pour 342 jours."
SeedCode Staff
SeedCode Staff
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 8:44 am
Thanks for all of the screen-shots, jffortier! I'll create a case on my end to address the translations.

There are a couple of things to check regarding the error you're seeing:

1. Can you navigate to on the machine you're using and verify a blue page with the DayBack logo appears?
2. Does the user logged in have full-access permission (or at least access to modify the CalendarInterface table and all of it's fields)?


Posts: 58
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 5:33 pm
I have admin privilege, I changed the buildnumber field without issue.

I put back 10.54, same result.

Yes I can see the webpage.

SeedCode Staff
SeedCode Staff
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 5:23 am
Thanks, jffortier.

The buildnumbercalc field is mostly for your reference when applying updates to the scripts, and does not have an affect on the core web viewer code.

One other thing to try would be to try and apply the updates on a computer that's on a separate network than the one you're currently on. It could be that certain firewall settings are preventing communication with the servers.

Let me know if that helps.

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 4:48 pm
No difference,

I tried at the office and from home (hosted files).

No recent change to network.

I use a copy of 10.54 that I had home and updated to 10.55, so the problem is not the network/firewall.

When you click the update, you have a message telling you it might take some time to update.... that dialog is not showing up on as it normally does.

Open the script debugger, but nothing gets trigger in that process :?

I erased the temp file, reboot... same results.
Posts: 58
Joined: Thu Nov 29, 2018 4:56 pm
PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 4:49 pm
After I update the demo copy of 10.54 to 10.55, the final dialog


is 90% english :lol:

Same here, if you want the translation, just let me know.
SeedCode Staff
SeedCode Staff
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 6:46 am
Hi jffortier,

Since it looks like you're able to update a stock copy of DayBack, there might be something going on with the scripts in your copy of DayBack that is not finding the updates correctly. I'll be reaching out to you via email to troubleshoot your file directly.


Posts: 58
Joined: Thu Nov 29, 2018 4:56 pm
PostPosted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 2:42 pm
Just for anyone looking for the same problem, this may help someone else until SeedCode fix this in a near future...

In my case I had 2 subscriptions, one that I manually update and another one that automatically renew, so I had 2 serial. I cancel one of them, but the solution was still using that SN to download the update and got a server error.

Updated with the right SN and we are good to go !!

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