
General support questions.
PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 4:52 am
I have a database that tracks sponsorships with a donor table and a donations table. I'm trying to design a layout that gives me a portal for the donors that shows the related records in the donations portal as you scroll through the donor portal. However, filemaker doesn't seem to be able to display a portal except to a parent table, only a related table.

Any assiatance would be appreciated. Thanks in advance,

SeedCode Staff
SeedCode Staff
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Joined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 11:01 am
PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 8:43 am
If I understand you correctly, you'd like to have two portals side by side: one on the left for Donors and a second on the right for the donations of the selected donor.

So, the first thing to determine is where this layout will be. I imagine it could be a layout based on the donor's table, but for clarity's sake, I'll assume its based on a separate table called filters. The key here is to create a global field called something like "SelectedDonorID" in your filter table (of whatever table your two-portal layout is based on).

A second field like "CommonOne" would be a calculation field in the same table equal to "1". A similar field in your donor's table would let you create the left hand portal where all your donors were listed. (There are a lot of variations on this left hand portal, including those that let you filter the list of donors, but it sounds like you have the left hand side working already.)

Now you'll simply make each row of the donor's table a button that sets the "SelectedDonorID" field in Filters to the Unique ID of that donor. The right hand portal of donations, is based on a relationship between "SelectedDonorID" and the Donor ID key stored in your donation. So as you click on any donor, you'll see their donations in the right hand portal.

Going further.

When you set up your portals, uncheck the both that says "Reset scroll bar when exiting record". In most cases this will keep your donors portal scrolled when you select a donor.

You can also create a global container field in Filters called "Highlight". Paste into this field some yellow or green rectangle of color. Then create a calculation field in your donors table that says something like:

if (DonorID = Filters::SelectedDonorID ; Filters::Highlight )

Make sure this field returns the type "container" and now you can place this highlight behind the donor's name in your left hand portal and your selected donor will highlight in green or yellow when you select them. (Note that since the calculation above only makes reference to global fields in Filters, you don't need a relationship between Donors and Filters. You just need Filters on the graph somewhere.

Hope that helps.
John Sindelar

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