FM9 Advanced a bit 'sensitive'?

General support questions.
Posts: 58
Joined: Tue Jul 26, 2005 12:08 pm
Location: London
PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 1:36 pm
Hi All,

Just took proud delivery of my copy of FM9 Advanced and decided to have play around on various files. About half of them so far open with FM9 'rebuilding dependencies' (what does this mean anyway?) then saying they are corrupt and I should Recover them. ALL these files open fine in 7, 8 and 8.5.

I opened them in these previous versions, saved a compacted copy and opened them again in 9 which seems to have no problem with them now. Surely I cannot be that unlucky with my FM files that half of them have hidden problems that only FM 9 can see? I hope not. Has anyone else had this kind of problem?


PS on another matter, those of us who have also just installed FM 9 Server should download and install the update ASAP. Although one would normally script a record delete, one of the fixes listed on the FM website is:
1.4.2. When you click the Delete Record button and then click Cancel in the confirmation dialog box, the record is no longer deleted anyway.

Posts: 58
Joined: Tue Jul 26, 2005 12:08 pm
Location: London
PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 6:16 am
OK. Answered my own question. Fixes to FM9 on the FM website.

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