Timezone or BST issue
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Joined: Wed Jul 08, 2009 2:18 am |
I understand your problem Kobyashi, however I may have a solution (at least a partial one) which I have forwarded to John.
Posts: 2764
Joined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 11:01 am |
I believe the current code base has this resolved. Email me directly and I'll get you a preview build so you can see if it works for you (john at seedcode.com)
(Mantic is suggesting we teach Zulu to use a floating time in some cases and we're discussing that here: don't know if it's doable. - Thanks Mantic) John Sindelar
SeedCode |
Between us John and I have got a workaround for this. The answer is to edit the xml file in ; /Library/Filemaker Server/Web Publishing/publishing-engine/cwpe-tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/zulu.xml (this file may be called something different if you have multiple installations). You need to change the zulu.timezone line to the appropriate level of offset eg; <Parameter name="zulu.timezone" value="GMT-12:00" override="false" /> Once you've done that you will need to stop/start web services for the change to take effect. In this case I want the events created to be 12 hours less than the server's own timezone (which is GMT). This will then change ANY NEW EVENT (not existing ones) to include this timezone adjustment. In this case the server is in London, but the client's devices are in New Zealand. Without this adjust the events were showing 12 hours later than they should have been. Hope this helps someone. James |
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