Event description repeating in day view

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:13 am

I have mapped out the z_AlternateSummaryCalc field to the summary field with the following parameters:

TextStyleAdd (CONTACTS_2::FULL_NAME ; Bold) &"-- "&Summary&"-- "&Resource

However, what I am seeing each time I am in the Day view of my calendar is a repetition of the "Description" of events from other dates (see screenshots attached).

Day_View.jpg (69.27 KiB) Viewed 7177 times

The .jpg titled Day_View shows an image of my calender with events scheduled for Wednesday August 3rd. The .jpg titled Day_View_2 shows an image of events from Thursday, August 4th - however, notice the descriptions that remain from the previous day.

Day_View_2.jpg (47.39 KiB) Viewed 7177 times

More curious, my parameters are set to ~exclude~ the description field from the mapped summary field.

Any suggestions?

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 2:18 pm
More developments on this bug. I also just discovered that the Event Description field data appears and disappears at random.

I have gone into the z_AlternateSummaryCalc field to double and triple check my calculation, and when I exit, the Description data disappears and I am left with the correct results of the calc. However, after navigating through different layouts on the calendar, the Event Description data randomly appears again...

Are there any other places that might be hiding this data and/ or might be triggered by some navigational scripts?

Any feedback would be much appreciated.

SeedCode Staff
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 7:45 am
Hi James,

From the screen shot it looks like that description field is ON the layout: you'll want to enter layout mode, move to the simple day tab, and delete the field from the layout. You can find more info on getting to that tab in layout mode here:

http://www.seedcode.com/pmwiki/pmwiki.p ... lendarTabs

Sorry for the delayed reply; we've been at FileMaker DevCon all week and are just now digging out.


John Sindelar
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 8:09 am
Not sure if this issue has been solved but, incase it might help John Finnerty or John Sindelar...

I have not, as yet, purchased an unlocked version of Pro but have spent a fair bit of time checking out the demo versions of Pro and Complete. I noticed exactly the same issue as John_F reports in both Pro and Complete. Going from one day to another in day view - the events that were displaying on the 1st day view still displayed on whatever day I navigated to. Hitting the "Refresh" button didn't sort it.

I discovered that if, after going from one day to another, I click the "Day" button it sorts it all out and displays everything as expected. At the very least I figured a simple fix would be to trigger the script(s) that run when clicking the "Day" button immediately after navigating from one day to another in Day View.


Ian Haddow
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 9:32 am
I omitted to say that the issue only seem to occur when in the "Simple" Day view.

I am now using v5.6 SeedCode Calendar Pro that I just purchased and downloaded. I have made zero mods and the issue (bug?) still shows. It's consistent - using Prev or Next Day button when in simple day view always leaves behind the event description displaying from whatever day I started on. If I click on the Day button/tab it sorts whatever day I'm looking at but as soon as I use Prev/Next Day button - same problem.

In other words - whilst in Simple Day View I have to click the Day button/tab immediately after going from one day to another. Actually - the same issue appears regardless of whether I navigate from one day to another using Prev/Next OR picking a day from the mini-calendar in the side-bar.

Is this just me and James_F (sorry I called him John_F previously) or can SeedCode repro it?

Happy to send screen-shots if they will help but they're just as per James_F's screens in his original post except with the SeedCode demo data.


Ian H
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 9:50 am
Hi Ian,

There is a refresh step we've commented out that you need to reenable if you use Simple view. I'm on the road now but will email post the location when I get in.

John Sindelar
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 1:03 pm

Change the Refresh Window step at the end of the "Refresh Calendar..." script to use the Fluch Cached Join Results option. If you're on a Mac you can leave it like this but if you're on windows or want the best possible performance you can wrap it in an If statement so it uses the Flush option only when $$sc_Mode = "Day Sched" and uses a regular refresh elsewhere.

We should probably just include this from the outset. =)
John Sindelar
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 3:16 pm
Many thanks, John for pointing in the right direction so promptly. Now sorted I think.

Turns out there was no Refresh Window unless for Gannt - but there was a zero Pause and a Freeze window. I disabled them and added a Refresh with cached join if in Day view. It works.

Also - I tested on Mac and Windows - looks like flush cached join results is needed on both platforms for it to work properly.

PLEASE let me know if there was some critical reason for having the Pause and Freeze Window steps. Maybe I was wrong to disable them?

Screenshot of Mod to script attached - maybe it will help someone (James_F)?...

Screen shot 2011-08-26 at 23.57.24.png
Screen shot 2011-08-26 at 23.57.24.png (37.5 KiB) Viewed 7128 times

Many thanks
SeedCode Staff
SeedCode Staff
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 5:33 pm
Hi. The freeze/pause is a gentler way to refresh that doesn't cause flicker on Windows. But if you include "real" fields on the simple view (as we have with the status field) you need the flush that only refresh window/flush offers.

Congrats on getting this sorted.
John Sindelar

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