Calendar filtering question

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Posts: 14
Joined: Thu May 10, 2012 1:46 pm
PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2012 8:55 am
I haven't set Zulu up yet. I'm still in the early stages of building out my new FileMaker project. I'm curious how filtering would work in the following scenario.

I have an Events table with an EventOwner field. This field can be a multi-line key. Most events will have a single owner. Some events, however, are classified as Deadlines and need to be visible by everyone working on a project. Ownership is defined by UserName, so a text field.

Let's say that I create an event in FileMaker with the following value for EventOwner:

John Smith
Jane Doe

I now set up a Zulu calendars for each of these two users, filtering by UserName. Will each of them see the event? If John Smith creates a new event in his filtered calendar, will Zulu insert his UserName into they key field?

Basically we want the ability to show deadline events to multiple users in their respective calendars while allowing them to add personal events as well.

Also, there's no way to prevent iCal users from editing certain/specific events (in my case, all deadline events) in a calendar, correct? I understand that calendars can be published as read-only, but locking specific events is not on option, right? Could event locking be achieved by setting a NoEditAllowed flag when the event is created in FileMaker, then triggering a post processing script when the Zulu record is edited in iCal that looks up the value of the record's NoEditAllowed flag and reverts it if the value is true?


SeedCode Staff
SeedCode Staff
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Joined: Mon Feb 28, 2011 2:47 pm
PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2012 11:59 am
Hi Rob,

Right, the Zulu filtering works like a FileMaker find so multi-line keys will get picked up. There are a few caveats to this if editing is allowed as the person who edits the event will take sole ownership of the event. There is a solution to this, and we have a movie on that here:

Ideally you want to set up Read-Only Subscriptions for iCal if you want to have these be non-editable. That's really the best experience for the user. You can use privileges or validation, but throws an error in iCal that we don't have any control over.

You can use the "Post" edit script, but since this happens after commit, you'd need to have data to restore the event to it's previous value, which may or may not be practical.

Let me know if that helps or if you have any other questions.


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