Error 403

Mods, Tips, Tricks, and Support for Zulu
Posts: 45
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 6:12 am
Dear Support
I have (since upgrade to FMS12) a strange behavior.
One of my tables is not alterable in iCal anymore. I use Zulu 1.36, Lion Server and FMS12.
Everything works fine, one of my files works fine, the ZuluSampleData works fine...but one of my TO does not work. It updates just fine but when I try to alter an event, it does not let me go through but gives:

O servidor respondeu:
para a operação CalDAVWriteEntityQueueableOperation.

I already recreated calendar, checked EVERY field for calculation or errors, restarted xml publishing, reinstalled every calendar etc. etc. Even send you my xml error log.
Please give a hint where to find the error...Or is it a BUG?
SeedCode Staff
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 6:55 am
Hi Pierre,

Hope all is well. I got your log over at support and this looks like the culprit here:

Jun 12, 2012 6:21:56 PM com.prosc.webdav.WebDAV service
WARNING: Error handling PUT request for /zulu/calendars/ZuluSampleData/348e34f5-4fed-4543-a3ba-af68e00219b8/e638767b-13a7-4160-8fc1-bbe80ad09986.ics: com.prosc.webdav.ActionUnauthorizedException: com.prosc.fmpjdbc.FileMakerException: 201: "Field cannot be modified" - You cannot change the value of calculation fields or other fields where modification is prohibited. (JDBC URL: jdbc:fmp360://localhost/ZuluSampleData, SSL: false / SQL statement: UPDATE "om" SET "summary_zulu"=?, "zulu_ALARM_EMAIL_RECIPIENTS"=?, "zulu_ALARM_TYPE"=?, "zulu_ALARM_TRIGGER_MINUTES"=?, "note_zulu"=?, "data_fim"=?, "zulu_UUID"=?, "TimeStart"=?, "zulu_ICAL_DATA"=?, "data_inicio"=?, "zulu_LOCATION"=?, "zulu_ALARM_TRIGGER_TIMESTAMP"=?, "TimeEnd"=?, "zulu_URL"=?, "zulu_DELETED"=?, "c_zulu_filter_values"=?, "-script"=? WHERE "id"=? / SQL params: [g-sl erva doce granel-kg 1250kg RAHDA pp1474, null, null, null, pp1474 g-sl erva doce granel-kg 1250paepp588Reator 1250kgfeito:, com.prosc.fmpjdbc.DateWithZone@647e8969, e638767b-13a7-4160-8fc1-bbe80ad09986, com.prosc.fmpjdbc.TimeWithZone@2f6f800a

FileMaker Server is throwing a 201 error, which means one of the fields you have mapped for this calendar ( UUID:348e34f5-4fed-4543-a3ba-af68e00219b8/e638767b-13a7-4160-8fc1-bbe80ad09986 ) is not modifiable either because it's a calculation field or it's been set to not be modifiable in the field set-up. (maybe that c_zulu_filter_values?)

If you need a calculated value, you can use an auto-enter calculation, but all mapped zulu fields do need to modifiable.

Please let me know if that helps,
Posts: 45
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 8:12 am
There is no more calculated fields. Actually there never was. My c_zulu_filter_values was (but it always was...also when the solution worked) now I changed it to calculated value.
I sent you another report because now I cannot even logon to zulu with iCal anymore.
Really annoying.
Help appreciated
SeedCode Staff
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 8:21 am
Hi Pierre,

The above error is not a Zulu error, but an error from FileMaker server, so it thinks one of your fields is not modifiable.

FileMakerException: 201: "Field cannot be modified" - You cannot change the value of calculation fields or other fields where modification is prohibited.

I'll look out for your report,

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 9:27 am
Well. I made another round of 1h troubleshooting.
There is no more calculation field in the whole solution. Now I get the 500 error. The calendar publishes but is not accessible . Not even the table that was working.
I reinstalled Zulu, switched off, send you xml...
I have no more ideas.
SeedCode Staff
SeedCode Staff
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 9:33 am
Hi Pierre,

If you'd like to send me your file to troubleshoot here on my 12 server, then please let me know at [email protected].

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 12:19 pm
I found the error. Two of my field, which where zulu_note and zulu_summary had all of a sudden written "always validate".
When you clicked into the "options" of the field there was NOTHING active in the validation...but still the field somehow asked for validation of nothing. I changed this and now the file seems to work.
However... I do not remember ever to "validate" anything in these fields..
Strange. Hope this is the end of this problem. I got nuts about it. Lost two days on it. :-(
SeedCode Staff
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 12:33 pm
Right, that does make sense. :(

Sorry for the frustration. I'm always happy to look at folks' files. A second set of eyes can be invaluable.

Thanks for the follow up Pierre!
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:39 am
Just for other not to suffer as much as I did.
I had ALL my fields as "auto enter calculation".
But..... When in some of them you choose once "do not evaluate if all referenced fields are empty" then the field changes to "always evaluate".... which seems to block ical from changing it.
So... you have to mention in the manual that one should not fiddle around with this option.. (which actually I still do not understand).

For me personally is strange, that I do not remember having changed anything in these fields.
SeedCode Staff
SeedCode Staff
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:12 am
Agreed Pierre,

It does seem strange that this would generate the 201 error, but we have seen differences in the way the new XML CWP works, i.e. the do date format.

Thanks for the follow up!

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