Date/Time format issue

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 7:02 am
Hi all, I'm new to this forum and I purchased Seedcode Calendar Pro 12.
I am running FIlemaker 12 Pro Advanced on OSX SL 10.6.8 and I have just finished integrating the calendar in my solution.
I have a problem with date and time formats (I guess) since I cannot properly enter a "timed event" on my calendar (all day events work properly).

The OS native language is italian, date format is dd/mm/yyyy and time format is 24hrs.
If I try to add an event on the calendar I downloaded everything works properly, but not in the calendar integrated in my file.

From the following screenshots you can easily spot the differences from original seedcode calendar and the calendar in my solution:


mine: (why is the name "settembre" in italian here? is this causing troubles?)

Shall I try to change timeformats to 24hrs on my solution as described on online documentation or any of you is able to assume I made an error during integration?

Hope it's all clear, please help! :)
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 7:21 am
Whenever I try to insert a value on the field time-end this error shows up:

SeedCode Staff
SeedCode Staff
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:26 am

Thanks for the screen shots. That's a stock FileMaker error when there's a conflict with the system or file formatting of the file and the data entry.

I think all you'll need to do is to change the value lists that we use that has this format: hh:mm:ss to the dot format that your file is set to: so that when you select a time you don't get the format conflict error.

Let me know if that helps,
SeedCode Staff
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:27 am
Here's a screen shot of the value list to edit:

Screen Shot 2012-09-28 at 11.22.37 AM.png
Screen Shot 2012-09-28 at 11.22.37 AM.png (209.45 KiB) Viewed 8424 times
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 1:05 am
Thanks for the reply. I tried to change the value list as suggested, now I don't get any error at all trying to add an event to "Event list" but the event still does not show on the calendar. All day events seem to work fine, not the timed ones. I tried to set the calendar to 24hrs format but nothing changed. What shall I do?

EDIT: If I create an event on the calendar (via shift+click obv.) I can see it in event details layout but the event does not show on calendar.
(What bugs me is that on the file I purchased, on day view I see the day name in english "Monday", while in the calendar I integrated in my file I see the day name in italian "Lunedì". Whare can I edit these settings? Is it possible this has something to do with my problem?)

EDIT 2: It's not just a graphic error, I can't see timed event nor I can get to them if I click on a row upon which I created an event. For example: I create an event at 9:00 am of 01 october 2012 then click to save&refresh calendar: event does not show up on calendar. if I click on the 9:00 am row of 01 oct 2012 I don'g get nothing, no window pops up, nothing, even if the event is visible in Event details/list. :?
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 5:01 am
Another thing I did was to force FMproADV12 language to English (I could not use it in italian since script step and functions are translated to italian and are incomprehensible) via right click on>show package contents, etc. and removing italian lang. package. Can this procedure have something to do with my issue?
I double checked all table/layout names correspondences and all time fields links, troubleshooting and all. I'm now starting a new import from scratch..
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 6:48 am
After a new import from scratch (accurately following integrating instructions) I have the same issue. It's getting frustrating not being able to see timed events displayed in the calendar..really don't know what to do.
(I'm using the calendar sample events table btw)

EDIT: the *funny* thing is that if I drag an "all day event" (which the calendar shows correctly) to the timed part of the calendar the event vanishes!
SeedCode Staff
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 8:04 am
I'm glad to hear the value list correction has you a little closer.

FileMaker does use both the file format settings and the system format settings so there might be something going on there. The new calendar should avoid this as we're converting the start and end time stamps to numeric values and running the ExecuteSQL against those values which should be format neutral.

Also, since you integrated the calendar into your file, it should adopt to the format there. It could be that the file formats and system formats are not the same, and that could be causing the issue. If that's the case then cloning the file will make sure that the file format matches the system format where it was cloned. Cloning does also remove all data, so it's required to import the data back in from the original.

I'd be happy to take a quick look at the file here and see if I can tell what's going on and will send you an e-mail offline with how to get it to me.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 1:27 am
Issue solved, thanks a lot guys!
SeedCode Staff
SeedCode Staff
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 9:02 am
You're welcome.

There were some issues with the date formats, which we've attempted to make neutral with the current calendar. We'll have a new build up and instructions for correcting soon.


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