Multi-Day Appointments
Can my Appointments Span More than 1 Day?
Applicable Versions: Free, Full, Pro
Yes. In fact, overnight appointments (when an appointment begins on one day and ends on the next) really span more than 1 day and CC Calendar is programmed to show such an appointment on both days.
If you’d like to create longer multiple day appointments, simply enter a date the “ApptEndDate” field in the “Mini Window Edit Appointment” layout in CCCalendar. (End dates are visible when you edit appointments but are not shown on the daily view; if you use them a lot you could certainly add the field to the daily layout much as we’ve added an end time field.)
If you add an end date to your appointment, the appointment will display on the calendar for each day from the start date through the end date. Note, however, that these appointments won’t always “line up” from one day to the next. That is, they visually won ‘t look like a banner, because on some days the appointment may be the first appointment for the day and on other days it may have appointments before it.
Note: In the Pro Version, if your multi-day event has a start time and an end time, CC Calendar will color all the hours in between to indicate the duration of the appointment. This can be fine for some things, but for a multi-day event like “Business Retreat This Week”, you probably don’t want every hour of the whole week colored in. The best way to do this is to leave the times off of this kind of multi-day event. Then create additional appointments to indicate the start or end times of the event, one appointment for the start time, and one for the end time.
Consider this example; you’ll be out of town for 5 days on a business trip. Here are the appointments records you might create to reflect your trip. In this way, only your flight times will show up in the hours, leaving the hours of your week free to depict other appointments during your trip.
Record 1
Start Date: April 4th
End Date: blank
Start Time: 6:37 am
End Time : blank
Description: Flight 304 Departs LA
Record 2
Start Date: April 4th
End Date: April 9th
Start Time: blank
End Time : blank
Description: Business Trip in Hawaii
Record 3
Start Date: April 9th
End Date: blank
Start Time: 2:30 pm
End Time : blank
Description: Flight 706 Departs Hawaii