Version History
What is the latest version of the IWP Module?
You can find the version number for your copy of the IWP Module at the bottom of the About tab.
Latest Version The latest version is now 1.62 (August 1, 2006). This version simply changes the logo and contact-us information from Cleveland Consulting to SeedCode.
Versions 1.6 and 1.61 (January 12, 2006). We introduced a slightly different version of the IWP Module for the Scheduling Edition changes made in version 2.6 where we rebuilt one of the Scheduling Edition tables. While both versions of the IWP module have the same features, version 1.61 works with the new appointments table in the Scheduling Edition.
Version 1.6 (May 2005). This version brought three features from the Pro Calendar into IWP: creating repeating events, creating new users, and new appointment types.
Version 1.52 This version works with the new CC Calendar Pro version 5.4 and supports its single file structure, to-do list, and other enhancements.