
Entity Chats


These are chats that are linked to a record (or records) in your solution. You can see an example of this in the file "FMChat Integration Example.fmp12" where we have a portal of entity chats on the left hand side of the "Record Detail" layout.

Entity chats differ from regular chats in that....

They can show up on the entity's record as shown in our example.
Entity chats may contain links to individual records without users having to type in a data detector keyword

Starting an Entity Chat

Before you can create an entity chat from your solution, you'll need to integrate FM Chat into your solution. Once you've done that, the instructions below will make sense.

As part of the integration you've probably added a "new chat" button to your layout. Click that and you'll come to the regular "start chat" screen, but with one additional option.
You can select users you'd like to include in the chat, and/or make the chat public, but you'll also see an checkbox at the bottom of the screen to "send found records to chat". If you select this option, FM Chat will include a link to the found set from which the chat originated.

You can also create an entity chat with a script using one of FMChat's APIs.

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