
The Files

What files does GoZync require?

Note that we have a nice little map of this that may help.

On the Host or Server


This is the file containing your Inbox, where records from your mobile file(s) are sent before being processed into records in your solution. GoZyncConnector is the intermediary file. This file is completely unlocked.

(If you really need to, you can add the scripts, layouts, and graph from this file into your own file and dispense with GoZyncConnector itself. If you know how to do this kind of thing, have at it. If not, get in touch and we can get you a quote for doing that for you.)

One nice thing about having this in a separate file is that you mobile users don't need to authenticate into your real solution. They just need access rights in GoZyncConnector. It is also a very light file and using anything heavier can slow down the connections required to zync with your mobile file: so we recommend keeping Connector as a separate file.


This file is largely locked and manages your license (the number of mobile devices allowed to connect). You can, however, modify the layouts if you want to change the way it looks. (Your mobile users will probably never see this file of course.)

On the Mobile Device

Mobile (Your mobile file)

> > notes


This file is placed on your iPad when you first connect to the host from your mobile file. _GoZyncUtility helps manage our connection to your host / server and is locked. Your users will never interact with it directly and if they happen to delete it from their iPhone or iPad, GoZync will replace it for you.

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