How does licensing work?
Levels: LowZync, ProZync Demo, and ProZync.
Have a lot of devices or servers?
Managing Connected Devices
Open GoZyncHosted.fmp12 and click the "License Admin" tab. Once there, log in as an administrator and then click on the tab named "Devices". From there you can see how many devices you're licensed to connect and the list of devices which have connected. You can delete devices here at any time, so if your testing machine is taking up one of your licenses, just delete it here.
These device records are created each time a new device connects, so your deleted device will be recreated if it connects to GoZync again. In this way you can easily delete an existing device to admit a new one, rather than having to rush out and buy a new license before you can get the data from that new device.
For more details, see Managing Devices.
Purchasing Licenses
You can purchase additional licenses at at
Each license can be for a number of mobile devices, and your licenses within the same level add up. So if you start with a ProZync license for 3 devices, and then purchase a ProZync license for 2, when you enter those license codes into GoZyncHosted.fmp12 you'll be licensed fro 5 mobile devices.
When does GoZync check for licenses?
GoZync checks the license and seat count at the beginning of every sync, when a mobile file refreshes meta data from the server, when the mobile file downloads new data from the server, and when the mobile file requests a new version of itself.
Do I need a separate license for developing GoZync?
Maybe. If you're developing for a client and sync with the client's live system (if you ever do) you will take up a device license when you do so. We make it very easy for you to "make room for yourself" by deleting one of their devices.
When you have the client's system offline at your office and you're developing and syncing you can just use their license and don't need one of your own.
Need your LowZync License?
LowZync is the free version of GoZync and a license to Low usually comes with GoZync. But if you've deleted your license you can find a new one here.