
Version History

What is the latest version of SeedCode Calendar Free?

The version number for your copy of the calendar can be found at the bottom of the About or Settings tab.

Latest Version The latest version is 1.5 (12/3/08) We changed the way we check for FileMaker's version number in the upon opening script. If you'd like to change your copy, edit the Upon Opening script, and use this calc in place of the one currently there under the comment "Test for Version":

Let ( n = Get ( ApplicationVersion );
GetAsNumber ( Filter ( n ; ".0123456789"  ) ) < 8.5

Version 1.4 (11/8/07) This version moves the calendar to FileMaker 8.5, speeds things up and dispenses with the Photoshop tabs in favor of more natural tabs that are easier to modify. The calendar also now takes advantage of the auto-resizing of layout objects in FileMaker 9.

Version 1.37 (7/15/07) We fixed a bug in the display of week numbers on the daily view that would sometimes show the wrong week number of the calendar was set to start weeks on Monday.

Version 1.36 (6/29/06) This version introduced a different layout for the FAQ, now renamed "Documentation".

Version 1.35 (6/4/06) This version placed an explicit sort in the List section of the Print script. Added offset to new window in Print FAQ script..

Version 1.34 (5/22/06) Still a private release, w reintroduced Refresh Window [Flush Cache Join Results] to the end of the Commit & Refresh script and added a native tabbed layout to "About".

Version 1.33 Version 1.33 was our first private of 5/3/2006.

[email protected]
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