
Layouts And Rotation

GoZync.LayoutsAndRotation History

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Learn how we're doing the rotation, AND how to get in there and change the tabs in this %newwin [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyfaDLKZUuA | short video]
Learn how we're doing the rotation, AND how to get in there and change the tabs in this %newwin% [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyfaDLKZUuA | short video]]
Added lines 1-7:
!! How does the layout rotate in Mobile.fp7?

Cool, isn't it.

!! And how can I get in there and edit the hidden tabs?

Learn how we're doing the rotation, AND how to get in there and change the tabs in this %newwin [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyfaDLKZUuA | short video]
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