Date Range Searching
Can I use NinjaCal to perfom Date Range Searches?
Absolutely. Date range searches can be tricky in FileMaker, but NinjaCal can help. To select a range of dates first click on the first date in your range and the hold down the shift key while you click on the last date of your range.
The selected dates are stored in a global variable $$__NinjaCalSelectedList (note the two underscored after $$). And this is automatically converted into a date range search string for you in the variable $$__NinjaCalSelectedRange. To use this list of dates as a search criteria, have your script navigate to a layout which contains the date field you'd like to search on, then enter find mode and use the Insert Calculated Result to insert $$__NinjaCalSelectedRange into your field. It will come in like this
- 3/2/2009...9/5/2009
The call the perform find script step and you're all set. Be sure to select your dates using NinjaCal in browse mode before moving into find mode to search.
Note. If you're outside the US and using date formats other than MM/DD/YYYY, NinjaCal's example file will build this range in the MM/DD...format even though your system formats are different. However once you move NinjaCal into your file it will use your file's date settings to render the search string in your system formats.