Web Direct Themes
Note: Web Direct support is included in SeedCode calendar version 7.23 and higher. Check out our version history for more.
Can I switch themes for the Web Direct layouts?
Yes. The Web Direct layouts in our Pro Calendar use a theme called "SC WDirect Cal Grey". The calendar ships with two other themes you can use instead: "SC WDirect Dark" and "SC WDirect Bright".
You can preview these by navigating to the example layouts that already use them: in the calendar's folder of Web Direct Layouts you'll see a folder of "Examples of other themes".
If you want to use on of these themes instead of our grey one you can change each layout by selecting a new them in Layout Setup, or from the theme menu in layout mode.
Note that you can't apply other themes (like FileMaker's built in themes) without really messing up the layout--unless a theme has the same style names as we have in SeedCode's themes, applying it can really wreck your layout.
After you've applied one of SeedCode's themes you'll probably still want to go through your layouts and make some refinements or swap out the icon images used. This video discusses some of the most common things you'll want to revisit after applying a new theme: Cleaning up Tabs and Themes.
How can I use my own icons and images instead of yours?
Navigate to the layout "Calendar Color Records Part 2" and you'll see the container fields we use for all our icons in Web Direct. Feel free to paste your own images into these fields.
The objects pasted onto the layout (as opposed to those IN the container fields) are used when someone clones the calendar file--usually when they first get it. Our scripts copy these objects off the layout if the originals are missing (as they would be after cloning). So you don't need to replace these images, just the ones IN the containers.