Version History
What is the latest version of the IWP Module?
You can find the version number for your copy of the IWP Module at the bottom of the home screen (the first screen you see when opening the IWP module)
Latest Version The latest version is 2.3 as of November 4, 2009. This is a cosmetic mod to all the buttons, email, and url links to keep up with the latest iPhone software (only the iPhone layouts were changed). Changes are too numerous to list but you can easily copy and paste from the new layouts into your copy. Email support at if you'd like a fresh copy of this build.
Version 2.2 September 6, 2007 This version makes a small change so users don't bump into each other when filtering the calendar. To make this change in your copy, follow these instructions. We also changed the way our web viewer buttons work in the iPhone section so they now draw correctly in Server 9 and Server 8. Follow these instructions to modify the relevant custom functions in your file. September 6, 2007
Version 2.1 was our inaugural release at DevCon 2007. August 4, 2007.