
Mini Calendars

How are the Mini-Calendars Formatted?

The mini calendar on the Daily View of the calendar is drawn using a custom function called “SeedCode_MiniCalendar”. This function lets us draw the entire mini calendar on the client machine without using any data from the FileMaker Pro Server; this makes for a faster display than our FileMaker 7 calendars.

This custom function is used in the “CalMiniCalendarSelectedMonthCalcRept” field in the calendar table. It is this field which actually draws the dates in the mini calendar; a second field “CalMiniCalendarSelectedMonthImageCalcRept” draws the colored boxes indicating the current and selected date. Over these two fields are laid 42 buttons corresponding to the 42 possible days in the month.

This mini calendar is quite portable and can be pasted on to any layout based on the Calendar table- or on to any layout with a valid relationship to the Calendar table.

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