In the Pro Calendar v5.45 (not the Scheduling Edition), To-Do items are failing to show on the week and month views.
The Fix
While I'm not sure how happened, it seems the field "ToDoKeyDatesCalc" in the ToDoItems table is missing a GetAsNumber declaration. Add this to the beginning of the two Let statements and everything will work as it should. (The calc follows in its entirety.)
We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused!
- John
- Code: Select all
Let ( [
due = GetAsNumber(Date ( Month ( ToDoDateDue ) ; Day ( ToDoDateDue ) ; Year ( ToDoDateDue ) ))
] ;
Right("000000" & due; 7) & "¶"
) // End Let
& ¶ &
If ( not IsEmpty ( ToDoDone ) ;
Let ( [
done = GetAsNumber(Date ( Month ( ToDoDateCompleted ) ; Day ( ToDoDateCompleted ) ; Year ( ToDoDateCompleted ) ))
] ;
Right("000000" & done; 7) & "¶"
) // End Let
; "" ) // End IF
// Thanks to Mikhail Edoshin for this great trick!