First, I'ld like to say I love your calendar and contacts templates - You people do great work. I am fairly new to Filemaker but am learning fast with your free files.
Anyhow, on to my question (on my knees begging) I am a Private English Tutor, and book my students when they pay their tuition fee - usually for 1, 4 or even 10 lessons in advance. I wanted to put this info into your free-contacts database to keep track of who paid what and when. After beating my head against the wall for a while I finally managed to pull that off. However, then I decided to get ‘slick’ (maybe my head got too big) but I wanted to put a running total of hours, amount-paid, etc on each entry in the portal for my payments-table…
These TOTALs would show the total tuition (for example) paid so far, calculated by SUM'ing all the "THIS_PAYMENT"-amounts from all the portal rows - the problem is that it does not work that way.
What I do get is a SUM of the figures for that particular portal row - not a total of all portal rows - I hope that is clear enough - I don't know how else to say it.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.