Importing to SeedCode Complete from older...

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Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:43 pm
PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:50 pm

I recently purchased SeedCode Complete and am having some issues with importing all my records from SeedCode for FM8 to the new calendar.

In SeedCode Complete I choose "Import Records", then I select the old SC calendar file and click import. I didn't change the import order because most of the fields seemed to line up correctly... Anyways, after I get a dialog box saying the importing is complete, I am not able to see my events in SeedCode Complete. It also seems as if my resources and users were not imported.

What am I doing wrong? :)

Thank you,
SeedCode Staff
SeedCode Staff
Posts: 2764
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:55 pm
Hi Chris,

Not sure I know what the issue might be from your description, but these instructions should help: ... pointments

You'll also need to perform separate imports for your users and resources, though it may be easier to just re-enter them in the Admin section.

Hope that helps,

John Sindelar
Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:43 pm
PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 1:52 pm
Thanks for the quick reply! Unfortunately, the directions don't seem to be applicable from my situation... I do not the CC Calendar, I have the previous version of SeedCode. I attached a screenshot of the import record dialog I am receiving:


For "Source" there is no "AppointmentsDaily" layout but there is an "Appointments" ... Also, I cannot change the "Target" layout.
SeedCode Staff
SeedCode Staff
Posts: 2764
Joined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 11:01 am
PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 3:15 pm
Thanks for the screen shot: always helps!

The problem is that you're starting the import from the wrong context: you want to pull appointments in, so you need to do that on a layout based on the CalDailyAppointments table occurrence.

The easiest layout like this to get to is the Appointment List. Go to the Daily view of the calendar, make a new dummy appointment, and click continue. Now that you're on a day with an appointment click the list icon in the blue header at the top of the screen.

Once on the list view, follow the instructions in the link I posted earlier: sure the field names you're importing won't be the same since you have a different version of the calendar, but you'll be able to line them up.

Thanks again,
John Sindelar
Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:43 pm
PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 1:04 pm
thank you for the quick reply! :)

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