Tip: Show Mailings on the Calendar

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SeedCode Staff
SeedCode Staff
Posts: 2764
Joined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 11:01 am
PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 8:46 am

If you're using SeedCode Calendar Pro or Pro Complete, you can show your fmSpark mailings on the calendar where we currently have the "other items" placeholder table. This mod lets you see your mailings in the calendar and jump to them in fmSpark. (screen shot follows)


1. Backup your files. =)

2. Create a data source in Seed Code Complete for the file fmSparkData.

3. In the calendar, find the calendar section of the relationship graph, and the daily section within that. Double click on the table occurrence (TO) "CalDailyOtherItems" and copy the name. Now point this at the Batch table in fmSparkData and paste in the name "CalDailyOtherItems" so the name of the TO is unchanged.

Double click on the line between "CalDailyOtherItems' and "CalendarDaily" and change the relationship so that both relationship criteria use the field recLastModifiedDate on the "CalDailyOtherItems" side.

Delete the TO "CalDailyOtherItemsFilters".


4. Now go to the OtherItems tab on the daily layout and repoint the fields on the layout so they're show the appropriate data from batch.

You'll probably want to remove the "New Other Item" button since you'll be creating mailings in fmSpark.

5. Now edit the script "Edit Other Item { Column }". This is the script we use when clicking on an other item. You'll see a comment beginning "Choose a different path to GTRR...". After that is an If statement asking if we're on the Daily layout and a GoToRelatedRecord statement. Delete the GoToRelatedRecord statement and replace it with a PerformScript step. You'll be performing the script "nav - open batch ( batchID* )" from the file fmSpark (not fmSparkData). The script parameter you'll send with this will be CalDailyOtherItems::ID.

If you only wish to see mailings on the daily view, you're done. =)

6. optional If you'd like to see these on the Month view as well, you'll want to swap out the MonthTOs (CalMonthOtherItems1-7) just as we did the daily one above, being careful to keep the names as they are. Then edit the month layout by changing the fields names as you did on Daily. Be careful on the month view as the fields you're interested in are covered by a couple other objects. You'll want to move these out of the way first and then carefully put them back to get at the field underneath. Try this on a duplicate of the "Month 3 Other Items" layout first.

7. optional Finally, if you do the month view, return to the script "Edit Other Item { Column }" and replace the GoToReatedRecord statements in the section "Use a different GTRR Based on which day of the week we're on." Note that you'll be calling the same script on fmSpark as you did above, but simply sending a different script parameter each time: in column 1 you'll sent CalMonthOtherItems1::ID, in column 2 you'll send CalMonthOtherItems2::ID, etc.

That's it.

John Sindelar

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