TIP: Work Schedules - using Repeating Events.

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SeedCode Staff
SeedCode Staff
Posts: 2764
Joined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 11:01 am
PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 5:19 am
You can use the Repeating Events feature of the Pro version of CC Calendar to create work schedules for your employees. Depending upon your needs, you may wish to create schedules for individual employees, or simply for classes of employees using the calendar's "type" to indicate the employee's class.

In these examples we'll use the calendar's "type" to indicate the schedules of two different shifts, a simple 9-5 day shift, and an alternate schedule that alternates between days and evenings with a week off.

Simple Day Shift

Start by creating a new appointment for the 9-5 day, using the "type" to indicate your shift's name.


Next, click on the checkbox beside "Repeating" and have the event repeat every Monday through Friday. Set this to repeat every week (every 1 week) and be sure to enter an ending date.


Click "Save Repeat Settings" and then click "Continue" on the original appointment screen. Once the repeating events are created they'll be presented to you as a list to the right of the first event. You can then edit or delete individual events (such as those that might fall on holidays).


Alternating Schedules

For a more complicated schedule that alternates, we'll manipulate the calendar's "Repeat Every..." setting to make the schedules alternate. Begin by creating the first of the alternating schedules: in this case, the week of 9-5 day shift.


Next, click on the checkbox beside "Repeating" and have the event repeat every Monday through Friday. Set this to repeat every 4 weeks. This will give use space for a week of evening shift, and then a week off, before the day shift repeats. Be sure to enter an ending date.


Once you've clicked "Save Repeat Settings" and then "Continue" on the original appointment screen you can click "Continue" again to begin creating the night shift part of this schedule.


In the "Repeating" section you'll set this to repeat every 4 weeks as well so that these events fit in right after the Day shift so there is a week of nights after every week of days. This would be followed by a week off before the Day shift begins again.

John Sindelar

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