
How It Works

SearchResults speeds up search by doing what FileMaker does best: lets you search only indexed fields without forcing you to search related fields. It also searches across multiple tables, giving you a single place to search from, no matter what you're looking for.

The key here is that SearchResults takes advantage of how fast FileMaker's scripts execute, knowing that FMP can loop through records to write out your search results faster than you can switch layouts and execute a new search.

Finally, SearchResults displays the results in an array of repeating fields so that it can include results from more than one able in the same display: something portals and lists can't do.

To get a deeper understanding of how this works, check out the "Results - How It Works" layout in our Demo. This exposes some of the other fields in the results array used by SearchResults.

You might also want to walk through the script "Search - Perform Find" to see how SearchResults determines which fields to search and how it builds its requests. Then the script "Create Result Lines" actually build the array of results.

(Note that you'll need the purchased--and unlocked--version of SearchResults in order to dive into these scripts.)

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