
Version History

What is the latest version of NinjaCal?

The version number for your copy of NinjaCal can be found at the bottom left of most screens and in the definition of the "Version" in the NinjaCal table.

The latest version is 1.0.3 (November 23, 2009). This version adds a year view (a 12 month view) to NinjaCal. This requires adding just one new field before pasting in the year widget. If you've already licensed NinjaCal and would like to get a the 1.0.3 build containing the year view just email john at and we'll send you a fresh download link for the new build.

Version 1.0.2 (February 6, 2009) This version removed the blue gradient behind the example tabs to reduce screen flash on Windows. We also made sure to clear to variables in the NinjaCal script. To make this change in your copy edit the script and find the comment "clearDates ( )". You'll see a single Set Variable line there; add two more:

Set Variable [$$__NinjaCalSelectedRange; Value: $null]
Set Variable [$$__NinjaCalSelectedNumbers; Value: $null]

Version 1.0.1 (Jan 23, 2009) We made a couple small formatting changes in this release. The little white arrows on the blue formatted calendar looks funky in FileMaker 10 so we replaced them with new graphics. We also changed the headers (the field that says "January, 2009") over the three month calendar on the Formatting Examples tab. These headers had been pointing at the field NinjaCal_basic in v1.0 and now they're properly pointed at NinjaCal_tripel. To change this in your copy simply enter layout mode and select the three month calendar on the Formatting Examples tab. Select "Ungroup" from the Format menu and then double click on each of the header fields, changing them to NinjaCal_tripel. That's it.

Version 1.0 (Jan 10, 2009) Our first public release.

Version 1.0 PREVIEW 1 (Nov 25, 2008) Part of the private beta on Facebook.

[email protected]
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