Time Tracking
Entering Time
If you like to enter time at the end of the week (say from paper time sheets) you may find it fastest to enter time for one project at a time. If so, you'll find an "add time" button for each project on its Time tab.
To enter time for a number of different projects, or if you like to add time as you work, select "Time" from FileMaker's layout menu and a new floating window will allow you to bang in time pretty quickly.
This screen asks you to select a staff member to log time for, and a date for which to enter your time. (There are no "timers" to record your time in SeedCode Complete.) We've designed this s screen to be as fast as possible for folks entering a lot of time, but we encourage you to tinker with this, adding defaults and changing the tab order to suit the kind of time you'd like to track. (Remember, auto-enter defaults and other field definition changes are made in the Time table in SeedCodeData.fp7).
Browsing and Charting
The Browse and Chart tabs at the top of the Time layout take you to new layouts (they only look like native tabs) that share the same found set as the entry screen. So you can build a found set of time on any of these screens and then browse or chart the time on the other screen.
Note that the time entries can be summarized by the "sort by" options at the top of the Browse and Chart screens. Similarly, the charts only make sense when time is sorted by one of these options.
Forecast Hours
Forecast hours (how long an items should take) are an attribute of project milestones and activity. You'll find a field for entering your forecast on the projects' Schedule tab (over to the right, near the delete portal row button).
How does the Project Analysis section work?
SeedCode Complete can compare the forecast hours on a project to the logged hours and show the overage as a percentage and on a chart. This analysis is shown on the Time tab of the Project layout. Note that the comparison is made at the resource level: we don't log time against specific milestones, though you could modify the calendar to do that, and then modify the analysis scripts to create one record per milestone instead of per resource.
The portal in the analysis section of the screen contains records summarizing the logged and forecast time for each resource encountered on the project. These records are created, and their values set when you click "refresh analysis" so these values are not live. Since they aren't live, they are also very fast and you can create additional reports from this Project Analysis table if you'd like, comparing these values across multiple projects.