Integration 2 Of 4
Adding a Simple Layout for Each TO
Background: GoZync looks for a layout in GoZyncMobile with the same name as your table occurrences in order to determine which fields to sync. You can read more on this here: Layouts.
In the next step you'll create one layout in GoZyncMobile for each TO you added in the previous step. You can already see layouts for our example TOs:
Step 2.1: Add layouts to GoZyncMobile
For each table occurrence you added in step 1 of 4, create a new layout in GoZyncMobile with exactly the same name as the associated TO. Add the fields you'd like to sync to each of these layouts. You can either "move" all the fields over to the layout and then delete the ones you don't need once the layout is created (that's pretty fast), or pick the fields you want one-by-one right in the New Layout wizard.
Don't worry about which theme you choose for these layouts or how they look: your users will never see them.
When you're done, drag the "gzh..." layout(s) into the folder "hosted" and the "gzm..." layout(s) into the folder "mobile". This isn't required but it will make you feel better about your work.
Step 2.2: Add layouts to your hosted file
You added one or more gzh_ table occurrences to your hosted file also, so you'll want to create layouts for them as well. Like the layouts you created in GoZyncMobile, these need to have exactly the same names as the gzh_ TOs they're based on, but unlike the layouts in GoZyncMobile, these don't need any fields on them.
Check your work
Head over to GoZyncHosted and visit the Configuration tab again: click "Refresh" and see if your layouts check out. If they don't, click on the caution icon beside them to see what's wrong.
July 1, 2014 - Note that we have a bug in one of our test scripts in GoZyncHosted that can report false errors in the "Go To Related Records" script in your hosted file. It will report that something "seems to be wrong" with your script. This error does NOT affect syncing, just testing, and can be ignored: we should have a fix on July 2nd that won't require you to re-integrate. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Move on to the next step.