What's New in GoZync 5
GoZync 5 makes some substantial speed improvements when pulling records by introducing Perform Script on Server (PSOS). This radically reduces the time it takes to determine which records have changed: this makes the biggest difference in cases where there are a large number of potential records but only some have changed since the last sync.
Speed: 100,000 records, 5,500 on this iPad, 100 records changed on the server and pulled down to iPad. 50 fields.
3:20 min (GoZync 4)
32 seconds to pull (GoZync 5)
Other cool changes include:
• GoZync now only adds one hosted file to your solution (instead of two in GZ4). Opening one less hosted file means version 5 is faster even before the PSOS improvements take effect.
• The script for
filtering which records get pulled down to a given user is now in the
hosted file so it can be tweaked after you deploy.
• This example file has been "fingerprinted" to GoZync so you can use it indefinitely until you modify its tables or add fields--then you'll need to get a
two week demo license or a
ProZync License to keep going.
• Upgrade and migration instructions are
GoZync 5 requires FileMaker 13. The download includes GZ5 files (for FM13) and GZ4 files (for FM12). Note that while GoZync does't require FileMaker server and can sync Pro-to-Pro, perform script on server does require server.
Learn more a about GoZync 5 and see movies of it in action at seedcode.com/gozync.
What's New in GoZync 4
GoZync 4 makes a lot of improvements over the last version. Here are our favorites:
• Simpler integration: new 1 page configuration screen
• Related records now respect last sync time for faster syncs
• No prohibited characters in field or table names
• Deletes are much faster - no need to turn them off as we did in some cases
• No date-format issues for international deployments
• Added a progress indicator on iOS
• "Stop Sync" button in Pro easier for testing of big solutions
• Email link to downloads page for distributing first versions of apps: all others updates are in-app
• We don't open and close the files as often
• You can
seed FLM before distributing: offers a
big improvement in first-sync speed when using FLM
• No field repetition limit on attachments
• Better
logging, including verbose FileMaker errors (if any)
• Retry: if we get a 301 record lock error, we'll come back at end of sync (on the push only) and retry.
• GoZync 4 is about 4x faster. For example
Speed: 500 record pull, 120 fields.
18 min (old version)
4:27 min (new version)
Speed: 500 record pull, 30 fields.
5 min (old version) Note how the number of fields affects sync speed
1:05 min (new version)