
Inbox Processing

These are the notes for GoZync 3. Docs for the latest version of GoZync--GoZync 4--can be found here. GoZync 4 is a free upgrade and is highly recommended (hint: it's faster).


When you push records to GoZync from your mobile files they go to the InBox in GoZync hosted. This is an intermediary file that lets GoZync accept quick connections from your mobile solutions without necessarily having to open your entire hosted solution (which could take time).

If all you do is push, records stay in the InBox until they are processed, either manually, using a server side script, or by a round-trip sync from the same mobile device.

Round-trip syncs will push records up, then process the InBox while the mobile device is still connected, before pulling records down.

Manual Processing

When you're integrating and testing GoZync, you'll probably process the InBox manually. Simply select rows to process, then click "Process Selected Items" at the bottom of the screen. If you need to re-process an item already done, simply hold down the shift key when clicking "Process Selected Items" and any already-processed items that were selected will be re-processed.

You may encounter errors when processing records, especially when first setting up GoZync. Read up on these and how to troubleshoot them here: processing errors.

Automatic Processing

Once you're up and running, you'll want to set the InBox to auto-process every few minutes. Lean more about that here: Auto-Processing

Deleting InBox Records

You can manually delete InBox records using the controls at the bottom of the InBox tab in GoZyncHosted. Once you're up and running, though, you'll probably want to delete processed records automatically every few days.

To do this, set up a schedule in FileMaker Server to run the script "Delete Selected Items { Auto }" as often as you need to. Be sure to run this with an account that has privileges to delete records in GoZyncHosted. Only processed InBox records will be deleted, leaving any unprocessed records for you to investigate or to be synced next time the user connects (in the case of record lock errors).

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