
Integration 1 Of 4

These are the notes for GoZync 3. Docs for the latest version of GoZync--GoZync 4--can be found here. GoZync 4 is a free upgrade and is highly recommended (hint: it's faster).

Background. Telling GoZync about your files and tables.

You may have a big mobile solution with lots of entities to sync: contacts, invoices, price lists, etc. But the record you're editing now – this "main layout" – is the main layout for one entity. Your invoices layout, for example. (Invoices is the "entity" even though it is made up of an invoices table and an invoice line items table.)

Follow all these steps for the hosted file first, then repeat these instructions for the mobile file. You'll go through each step twice: once or the hosted file, on the left side of the screen, and then once for the mobile file on the right side of the screen.

When you're done with the 4 steps here, we'll show you how to use the integration wizard in GoZyncHosted to check your work.

Step 1: Select a layout you wish to sync

GoZync will sync any fields (including related fields) on the layout. You may want to create a new layout for this. Read on to find out if you should.

Tips on selecting a layout.

In general, pick a layout that best represents your entity: in our invoices example, it would be a layout that shows on invoice in form view: your "invoices" layout, most likely.

> Here are a few other things that should be true about the layout you select. Again, you may want to duplicate your layout and strip off a few things so it better conforms to these guidelines, effectively making a layout just for GoZync to use.

No script triggers. The layout must be free of layout-level script triggers (things like OnRecordLoad).
Calc fields. GoZync ignores calc fields so you don't have to remove them. Summary fields and globals are also ignored. But, having them on your layout needlessly slows the sync down, so removing them is best.
Fields from other entities (like contacts). You may have related fields on your layout that aren't properly part of the sync (like related container fields for your interface) or that are being synced as part of their own process (like contacts). In any case, remember that any related fields included here will be synced. Thus pulling off related fields is the most common reason to create a new layout just for syncing.
Repeating fields. GoZync supports repeating fields, but you'll want them "connected". This means that if you have a layout with repetitions 1-3 as one object and repetitions 4-6 as another, you'll want to create a new layout just for sync with repetitions 1-6 as one object.
gz_ fields. You don't want to have any of these "gz_..." fields on your sync layout: gz_Send, gz_Sent, gz_TimeStampSent, or gz_ModTimeStamp.
Layout name. If you have a lot of layouts it can get confusing as to which one you've elected to use for syncing each table, so if you make new layouts for this, consider adding "Zync" at the end of the layout name, like "Invoices Zync". This will make it easier to add fields to your sync later as you won't need to open GoZyncHosted to find out which layout's you based your sync on: the layout names will tell you.
Layout Table. You can only have one sync layout per table occurrence. So if you have a TO "foo" a second sync table based using that as a primary or related TO would need to use "foo2". Or another name =)

Step 2: Note the table occurrence for that layout

Visit the layout you're syncing and enter layout mode to determine which table occurrence it's based on:

Make a note of this table occurrence (TO) name as we'll use it in the next step AND when we ask the integration wizard in GoZyncHosted to check your work.

Step 3: Add a table occurrence

Select File / Manage / Database in GoZyncHosted (which we'll start calling GZH) and select the relationships tab: click the "+" button in the lower right to begin adding a new table occurrence.

If this is the first table you've wired up from this file, select "Add FileMaker Data Source" from the Data Source menu and select your file (the one whose layout you were just working in). Now select your fie and select the table you made note of in 2 above. If your table has a slightly different name from the table occurrence you selected in 2 above, rename the occurrence you add to GoZyncHosted to match the name in step 2 above: these names must match.

If you had to add a FileMaker Data Source, find the file you're interested in and then select the table as described above.

When you come through here for the mobile side, do the same in GoZyncMobile: add a table occurrence to the graph with the same name as the one you selected in Mobile Step 2 above.

At this point, just add the table occurrences (Hosted and Mobile) to the relationship graphs in GZH and GoZyncMobile (GZM). We'll connect them later. For now, place them on the graph in the "Your Hosted / Mobile TOs" section, beside the contact TO already there for our example file.

Step 4: Create a blank layout

Create a blank layout in GZH and GZM based on the table occurrences you just added.

You'll want to Create a blank layout in GZH and GZM based on the table occurrences you just added.

Enter layout mode in GoZyncHosted (GZH) and check out the layouts menu; you'll see folders for Under the Hood / Integration / Your layouts. Create a new blank layout in there based on the table occurrence you added in step 3.

Give this layout the same name as your table occurrence: "Invoices" in our example. Then return to the dashboard layout in browse mode.

Do the same thing in GoZyncMobile (GZM), adding a blank layout to the "Your Layouts" folder. Be sure to give this layout the same names as the new TO you added in step 3. Then return to GZM's dashboard layout in browse mode.

Check your work

Follow the integration wizard in GoZyncHosted

Add a layout record to GoZync Hosted.

Open GoZyncHosted and navigate to the dashboard. Click "Add a new layout". You'll arrive at the integration tab with the file, layout, and table occurrence all saying "unknown."
Over the next few screens you'll tell GoZync which file and layout you elected to sync.
Click "Proceed to integration" to get started.

Checking Step 1: Select a layout

Select the file you're syncing.

If you don't see your file listed, make sure it's open and the click the "scan layouts" button toward the bottom center of the screen. That will get the file to show up in the file list.

Next, select the layout.

Select the layout you were working with. If you don't see your layout in the list, click "Scan Layouts" again, or just re-select your file from the previous step.

Checking Step 2: Grab the table occurrence for that layout

Tell GoZync which Table Occurrence your layout is based on.

Select that table occurrence (TO) from the list in step 2. Note that we actually can't validate this for you, so double check to make sure you're right and that this TO is actually the one your sync layout is based on.
At this point, if everything looks good you'll see a green check mark beside each task. Once you've done this for the mobile side the main tab above, "Setup: Main Layout," will have a green check beside it as well.
If any items don't have a check beside them, revisit those instructions above and see if perhaps you named something incorrectly. You'll need each step to be checked off before you can proceed successfully.
When everything checks out you're ready to move on.


Move on to the next step.

You may not have related tables – they're not supported in the free version, for instance, or you may have a flat file – but click on the "Related Tables" tab to Continue to step 2 of 4 and if GoZync sees any related tables you need to configure.
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