Version History
What is the latest version of SeedCode Calendar Pro?
The version number for your copy of SeedCode Calendar can be found at the bottom of the Setttings tab.
The latest version is 4.41 (January 7, 2008) We made a small change to the Back and FWD commands so that you can arrive at the right week when going "back" to the basic week view. To make this change in you copy, edit the script "Back FWD ( Direction )" and find the comment "Go to destination". The next line is a Go to Layout command. Add the following right after that Go to Layout:
We also changed the definition for the field "CalFilterDatefirstGlob" to deal with some unusal cases regarding February when you have the week starting on Monday. To change this in your copy, use this as the auto-enter definition for "CalFilterDatefirstGlob", replacing what's there now:
d = CalFliterDateGlob ;
FirstDay = Date ( Month ( d ) ; 1 ; Year ( d ) ) ;
FirstDayofCalendar = FirstDay - DayOfWeek ( FirstDay ) + 1 +
Case (
CalStartWeekOnMondayYesNoGlob = "Yes" and DayOfWeek ( FirstDay ) = 1 ; -6 ;
CalStartWeekOnMondayYesNoGlob = "Yes"
] ;
Version 4.4 (December 3, 2008) We changed the way we check for FileMaker's version number in the upon opening script. If you'd like to change your copy, edit the Upon Opening script, and use this calc in place of the one currently there under the comment "Test for Version":
Version 4.3 (August 4, 2008) This version repaired the "Import iCal File" script. To make this change in your copy you'll need FileMaker Advanced, if you don't have it just email us and we'd be happy to make the change for you. If you do have Advanced, here is what you'll change:
This version also fixed a bug in the Year section of the "Print" script. You can find instructions for repairing your copy here:
And this version included the changes to the "Create Repetitions" script described here:
Version 4.2 (February 18, 2008) This changed the file's upon opening script to accomodate new Middke Easten and Eastern European versions of FileMaker. We also added the appointment's ID as the UID to the iCal export. If you'd like to make this change in your copy export, simply add this line...
"ķUID:" & CalDailyAppointments::ApptID_kprime &
before the "Location" line in the calc in our export script.
Version 4.1 This was our inaugural release of this version, December 22, 2007 and is based on the calendar engine in SeedCode Complete and is thus a complete rewrite of our Pro Calendar for FileMaker 7 and 8.