Gantt Chart-Sorting
These are the docs for our FM10/11 version of the Pro Calendar. Docs for the newer, FM12 version of our calendar can be found here.
How are records on the Gantt Chart Sorted
The gantt chart was introduced in version 5.6 of the Pro Calendar.
Just as there is a single script for sorting your calendar records, there is a separate script for sorting the gantt records. You'll need to edit this script as part of pasting the calendar into your file, making sure it is sorting by the fields in your tables.
The script is "Sort FileMaker Records for Gantt Chart --- Edit Sort Orders Here --- " and instructions for editing the script are found in the scripts comments.
A few things to keep in mind...
The gantt chart sorts each time an edit is made using drag and drop.
The field z_MilestoneSort in the events table can be used to specify in which order events appear in the gantt chart. When this field is blank, events are shown in chronological order from first to last.
When there are values in z_MilestoneSort, events within a project or phase are shown in the order of the numbers in this field. (You'd number your events 1, 2, etc. Decimals are respected.) In this way you can have events start, lower down on the chart, before events in the upper part of the chart. This is essential for most complex projects.
You'll find this z_MilestoneSort field shown at the left edge of the events portal on our Sample Projects layout.