Separation Model
These are the docs for our FM10/11 version of the Pro Calendar. Docs for the newer, FM12 version of our calendar can be found here.
Do I need to do anything different when pasting the calendar into a separated system?
Not really-- the graph show in our integration article should be in your Interface file just as it is shown in that article. All the layouts mentioned there should be in your interface file as well.
The SampleEvents table there can be in another file (your data file, presumably).
There is one calc in SampleEvents that needs to know about the CalendarRows table: the optional calc you may want to use if you wish to show events colors "on" the event record in list view or in the Event Details mini window. So you'll want to add a table occurrence for CalendarRows to your data table so the calc "z_sc_ColorCalc" can evaluate properly.
That's it.