Version History
What is the latest version of SeedCode Complete?
The version number for your copy of SeedCode Complete can be found at the bottom of the Admin tab.
The latest version is 1.36 (January 7, 2009) We made a small change to the Back and FWD commands so that you can arrive at the right week when going "back" to the basic week view. To make this change in you copy, edit the script "Back FWD ( Direction )" and find the comment "Go to destination". The next line is a Go to Layout command. Add the following right after that Go to Layout:
We also changed the definition for the field "CalFilterDatefirstGlob" to deal with some unusal cases regarding February when you have the week starting on Monday. To change this in your copy, use this as the auto-enter definition for "CalFilterDatefirstGlob", replacing what's there now:
d = CalFliterDateGlob ;
FirstDay = Date ( Month ( d ) ; 1 ; Year ( d ) ) ;
FirstDayofCalendar = FirstDay - DayOfWeek ( FirstDay ) + 1 +
Case (
CalStartWeekOnMondayYesNoGlob = "Yes" and DayOfWeek ( FirstDay ) = 1 ; -6 ;
CalStartWeekOnMondayYesNoGlob = "Yes"
] ;
Version 1.35 (10/29/2008). This version fixed a bug when sending html mails where only the first mailing was sent. You can find instructions for making this change in your copy here:
Version 1.34 (3/3/2008). This version fixed a bug in the horizontal scheduling screen where you could filter the visible resources by resource type, but you could not "hide" a type. Find instructions for making this change in your copy here:
Version 1.33 (2/18/2008). Version 1.33 tidied up a number of small items. The most important is that we changed the version test in the opening script to account for Middle Eastern and Eastern Europe versions of FileMaker. We also changed some of the script comments in the select scripts to be more clear and added the project filters to the Month View's To-Do list relationships. Finally, we added the export of the appointments ID as UID in the iCal export. If you'd like to add this string to your own export, simply add this line...
"ķUID:" & CalDailyAppointments::ApptID_kprime &
before the "Location" line in our export script.
Version 1.32 (10/17/2007) This version fixed a couple of items related to "alternate" aspects of the calendar, including the alternate method of sending letters (using merge fields on layouts instead of our Mailings component). If you're using this alternate letters routine, please get in touch as we have an updated script for you. The other change was in the Mailings layout itself: we were using the wrong merge field for the customer's address. You can easily make this change in your copy...
Version 1.31 (8/15/2007) This version fixed a bug in the SeedCode_Extract custom function (replacing "999" with "9999999") which could limit the length of a mailing. If you have FileMaker Advanced you can easily make the same change in your copy, if you don't, just let us know.
Version 1.3 (8/4/2007) This was our inaugural release of SeedCode Complete ; released at DevCon 2007.