
Changing Appearance

How can I change the way the calendar looks?


Before you read on, watch this short video with some tips for working with the calendar in layout mode. It's a real time saver.


Be sure to check out Skins And Themes if you're new to themes in FileMaker 12 and 13.

Changing Size.

The video above offered some tips about resizing elements of the calendar, but remember that there are two calendar layouts for you to modify: the regular calendar and the "... no Side Menu" layout.

Configuration Settings: changing the rows per day.

Rows per Day on the Month tab.

You can change how many rows are visible for each day on the month view; the calendar shows 6 rows by default and uses the first row to display the day number. To change the rows-per-day, edit the script "Load Calendar Settings - Each Redraw" and change the month brach of the calc used to set the $$sc_RowsPerDay Variable, replacing "6" with the number of rows you'd like to see. Make this 1 more than the number of appointments you'd like to see in a day since we do use one row for the day number.
If your calendar's month portal isn't set to show 6 times the number of rows per day, you won't see the whole month. So either increase the number of rows in the portal (and your layout size at the same time) or set the portal to scroll. Again, check out the video mentioned at the top of this article for more details.
Once you've changed the number of actual portal rows on the layout, revisit the configuration script "Load Calendar Settings - On Startup..." and make sure this first variable ($$sc_LastRow) is the number of rows in your portal.

Showing a different number of rows on the day view.

We show a different number of rows on the day view because the row height is different. If you want to add or remove rows (maybe you're changing the height of these portal rows) simply edit the portal and add or remove rows there. Note that the maximum number of rows is currently 36, and that's how many events you can scroll to on the day as well.
This is the same number as the total number of rows for the month view and is set at the beginning of the script "Load Calendar Settings - On Startup --- Edit Configuration Here ---" (remember to keep this number divisible by the $$sc_RowsPerDay variable mentioned above).

Can I add more fields to the day view?

Sure. Read adding fields for some notes on how to add fields from your events table or from related tables.

How can I change the default view of the calendar?

Each "view" of the calendar is a separate tab on the same layout. So all you need to do is double click on the tabs and select a new default tab.

I'd like to add a scroll bar to the calendar, or see more rows per day on the month view.

No problem: both things are easily done. Learn more here: scrolling the calendar

Changing the formatting of events.

Two scripts control how events appear on the calendar. The main script is "Format Event Summary --- Edit the Style of the Event Text Here ---" and this controls which lines show up on each views and colors additional lines gray on the day view. The second script, "Format Event Time --- Edit Time Formats for Events Here ---" controls how times are displayed; you'll see a number of commented switches to do things like turn the time from 12hr time to 24hr time.

Note that the calendar won't preserve text colors from your data, so if you want to color or otherwise format text you'll need to do it in these two scripts.

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