Create Events
How can I make new events in the calendar?
You can create a new event by clicking the "new" button in the calendar header, or by shift-clicking (holding down the shift key while clicking) into any cell in the month view. Shift clicking also works in the week view, but not in the day view.
Can I make event records from outside the calendar, such as from portals on my other layouts?
Absolutely. In fact, there is a script in the calendar specifically set up to receive commands from your other layouts (or even other files).
The script is called "Create Edit Delete Event { Operation , DateStart , DateEnd , TimeStart }" and it can take any number of parameters to let you manipulate events using your own scripts.
For example, you may use the following parameter to create a new event for the current date:
Read the comments at the beginning of this script to learn about other parameters you can send to it.