Version History
What is the latest version of SearchResults?
The build number for your copy of SearchResults can be found at the bottom left of the Settings screen and at the very top of the Search script.
The latest build is 2.05 (August, 27 2010). We tweaked the formatting of the results layout so it looks better in FileMaker Go. Details and instructions for making this change in your copy can be found here:
Build 2.04 (July, 30 2009). This build fixed a bug in which search results could show up without the first found record on top. To make this change in your copy, edit the script "Create Result Lines" and find the comment "Set the search layout name". Right before that line add the "Go to Record/Request/Page" script step and specify "[First]". That's it.
Build 2.031 (July, 21 2009). This build fixed a bug when Close Name Matching was on and users clicked on the "and X more" results link of the second list of results. This was a pretty substantive change to the Navigate To Result script so you should download a fresh copy (email us to get a link) and paste a new version of this script into your file. This script can be copied and pasted without modification using FileMaker Advanced.
Build 2.02 (June, 28 2009). This was our first public release and this version revised the documentation and script comments to make integration even simpler.
The public beta continued with build 2.0 (June, 21 2009).
The first real public release was the private beta in May of 2006 build 0.9 v 456 (May 6, 2009).