
Window Management

If you're running with windows "Maximized" on Windows

If you're on Windows and have your solution "Maximized" (filling the whole screen), Windows can only have one window like that at a time, so our results window will "unMaximize" your window which can look pretty messy.

If that is the case you have two options:

1. Don't run your solution literally Maximized, but do it "almost maximized".

2. Change a setting in fmSearchResults to have the results window be maximized also so it appears full screen. You'll find this setting toward the end of the "Developer Settings" script, in the first SetVariable after the comment "Set Window Variables". There is a 1 in that by default; change that to 0 and your results will appear IN your solution's main window.

New windows?

By default fmSearchResults shows your results in a new window. You may want to show the results in your original window in some cases, such as when you're in FileMaker Go.

This behavior is controlled in the script "Developer Settings" right after the comment "Set Window Variables". The next line, when set to a 1 shows results in a new window. Either switch that to blank (just using double quotes like this "") permanently, or only when you're on FileMaker Go, like this:

If ( Get ( SystemPlatform ) = 3 ; "" ; 1 )

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