Alarms And Reminders
Can the Calendar Set Alarms or Give Me Some Kind of Notice When Appointments Are Coming Up?
DayBack includes scripts to send alarms as email notifications
The trick here is to get FileMaker to run a script every so often- once you can do that, you can have a script that finds upcoming appointments, or finds them and then emails you about them.
In order to run a script like this (every x minutes, for instance), you'll create a script schedule on FileMaker Pro Server. You'll need a plugin or an OnTimer script trigger if you don't have FileMaker Server. (In some of our installations, we have a simple FileMaker client running a plugin as an unattended agent. This agent machine can then do other automated tasks like email notifications, reports, etc.)
Once you can run a script every X minutes, you can modify the email notifications example script in DayBack to send the kind of alert you're looking for.
Note that more elaborate email notifications are built in to SeedCode Complete, doing things like emailing everyone on a project when the project's status changes.
For more information on this, search our support forum for �alarms�:
Using Growl
If you're a little adventurous and on a Mac, you can use Growl to send notifications to Mac users on your network (who have growl installed) and/or to their iPhones (which need Prowl installed). Though a little tricky, this is wicked sexy. Thanks to Todd Geist for the tutorial