

DayBackForFileMaker.Translation History

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May 19, 2023, at 04:46 PM by -
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January 03, 2017, at 06:17 PM by KC Embrey - Added #Labels
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November 16, 2016, at 09:10 PM by KC Embrey - Added an anchor for creating languages
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May 06, 2015, at 10:18 PM by -
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Version 9.49 of DayBack introduced a default resource column named "none". If you'd like to translate this into your own language there are just a couple additional things to do:


Version 9.49 of DayBack introduced a default resource column named "none". If you'd like to translate this into your own language there are just a couple additional things to do:

May 06, 2015, at 10:18 PM by -
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You can make up whatever abbreviation you want for your language, and it doesn't have to be just two characters, but if you'd like to use the correct abbreviation you can find a list here.


You can make up whatever abbreviation you want for your language, and it doesn't have to be just two characters, but if you'd like to use the correct abbreviation you can find a list here.

The "None" Resource

Version 9.49 of DayBack introduced a default resource column named "none". If you'd like to translate this into your own language there are just a couple additional things to do:

1. Change "none" in the Resources value list, just as you'll change your other resource names.
2. Change the abbreviation for none in the "$$sc_ResourceShortNames" variable inside the script "Load Resources".
3. Replace the word "none" with your translation in the auto-enter calc used in the Resources field.

Items 1 and 3 must use the same translation for "none". Item two can use an abbreviated version if there is something shorter in your language.

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To do this, edit the script "Webviewer Settings" and you'll see a number of options after the comment "Override "auto" for each attribute below if desired." Edit the SetVariable lines that follow to calculate your own language selection.
To do this, edit the script "Load Calendar Settings - On Startup..." and you'll see a number of options after the comment "Override "auto" for each attribute below if desired." Edit the SetVariable lines that follow to calculate your own language selection.
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By default, DayBack attempts to sense your preferred language and date formats from your system settings. If this works for you, simply leave the switch for "auto settings" set to on:


By default, DayBack attempts to sense your preferred language and date formats from your computer's system settings. If this works for you, simply leave the switch for "auto settings" set to on:

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Instructions coming soon.


Yes. Follow the instructions above to get to the "dbk_translations.js" editor. Once there you'll copy one of the existing language blocks and paste it back in as the starting point for your own.

When copying, select everything from the section's header like this...

//Dutch language and substitutions -

...through the final semi colon before the next section:


Then paste it in right after that last semi colon (don't paste it at the end of the file).

Once it's pasted in you can begin swapping out the strings for those of your own language. Note that you'll also want to give your new language a two character prefix in the second line of your file's section. Here is the one for Dutch as an example:

$translateProvider.translations('nl', {

You can make up whatever abbreviation you want for your language, and it doesn't have to be just two characters, but if you'd like to use the correct abbreviation you can find a list here.

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The language settings described here only effect the calendar interface. Sadly, regular FileMaker layouts like "Home" can't be translated automatically like this.

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Instructions coming soon.

Note that the translations setting only changes text in the UI, the names of dates are translated based on the date formats of the user's operating system. So if you switch the language to Japanese but have your machine set up to use American date formats, you'll see button text in Japanese but day names in American English.

Can I Modify the Field Labels and Text Shown in the Calendar's Interface.

Instructions coming soon.


Changing the Language by Hand.

Turn the "auto settings" switch above to "off" and you'll see a number of formatting and language settings you can adjust. If you just want to pick a different language from our list, or let your users choose their own language that's all you need to do.
Note that the this language selection setting only changes the text in DayBack's interface, the names of dates are translated based on the date formats of the user's operating system. So if you switch the language to Japanese but have your machine set up to use American date formats, you'll see button text in Japanese but day names in American English.

Changing the Language in Scripts.

The language setting is also exposed in the settings scripts which run when the calendar opens. You can edit these to select a language based on some fact of the environment, such as the logged in user's account name.
To do this, edit the script "Webviewer Settings" and you'll see a number of options after the comment "Override "auto" for each attribute below if desired." Edit the SetVariable lines that follow to calculate your own language selection.

Can I Modify the Field Labels and Text Shown in the Calendar's Interface? Editing an Existing Language

Yes. You can easily edit any of the languages DayBack supports. Moreover, this is how you change the display value for any text or button shown in DayBack's web viewer interface.

For example, let's say we want to change the word "Settings"...

...if you switch to the "Under the Hood" layout you'll see a file called "dbk_translations.js". Click the "edit" icon to the left of that file. That will bring up the file in DayBack's code editor (though feel free to copy and paste it into your own text editor).

Here we can change the word settings to be something else. We'll change it to "Admin" like this:

'Settings': "Admin",

Now if we click "Save..." or "Preview Calendar" in the lower right of the screen, we'll see that "Settings" now says "Admin".

You can make changes like this for any of the languages found in the "dbk_translations.js" file. Note that the "pointer" to the string to be translated is always it's English name. Don't change that; only change the second value.

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(You'll find this switch on the Home and "Under the Hood" layouts.)


You'll find this switch on the Home and "Under the Hood" layouts.

Changed lines 5-6 from: %center% (You'll find this switch on the Home and "Under the Hood" layouts.)

to: (You'll find this switch on the Home and "Under the Hood" layouts.)

Changed lines 5-6 from: %center% (You'll find this switch on the Home and "Under the Hood" layouts.)

to: %center% (You'll find this switch on the Home and "Under the Hood" layouts.)

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(You'll find this switch on the Home and "Under the Hood" layouts.)

to: %center% (You'll find this switch on the Home and "Under the Hood" layouts.)

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By default, DayBack attempts to sense your preferred language and date formats from your system settings. If this works for you, simply leave the switch for "auto settings" set to on:

(You'll find this switch on the Home and "Under the Hood" layouts.)

If that doesn't work in you situation, you can change the language by hand (or in FileMaker scripts) following the instructions below.

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Note that the translations setting only changes text in the UI, the names of dates are translated based on the date formats of the user's operating system. So if you switch the language to Japanese but have your machine set up to use American date formats, you'll see button text in Japanese but day names in American English.

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I'd like to localize the calendar into another language; what should I look out for?

Here are a few notes on areas you'll want to pay attention to when translating the calendar.


The dates in the calendar will largely take care of themselves, but read up on Date Formats to be sure.


You can rename most layouts once you've integrated the solution into your file. The exceptions are the "Source No X" layouts. Don't rename those, just take them out of the layout menu. And if you rename the "calendar" layouts, edit the script "Go to Calendar Layout" to reflect your changes.

Repeat Options

The Repeat Options layout contains tab names and text (like the names of days and months) you may wish to translate. Drag the orange tab at the top of the screen out of the way to reveal the "real" FileMaker tabs below, and you can then navigate to the weekly, monthly, and yearly tabs to translate their contents. The day and month names are just text on the layout so you can edit these with the text tool: do NOT change the script parameters being sent from these buttons. These script parameters should always use the English names of days and months: your users will never see these.
You'll want to change the conditional formatting for each day name, replacing "Self" with the now English name of the day, like this:
not IsEmpty ( FilterValues ( $$sc_Repeat_DayOfWeek ; "Monday" ) )
You'll do the same with the month names on the repeat Yearly tab.

Yes and No value list

Changing the Yes No value list from "Yes" and "No" to another language is actually the trickiest part of the translation, since so many calcs and scripts use these values. Once you change the value list you'll need to replace "Yes" and "No" in the following scripts and calculations:
Go to Calendar Tab ( Tab Name )
Load Calendar Layout
Go to Day
Go to Week
Insert into Calendar { Column }

Time Increments

The value list "Calendar Time Scale" includes a few English phrases you might want to replace, fortunately if you also edit a couple of fields the software has already abstracted these values. Translate the Engish values in the field CalendarInterface::TimeIncrementAutoGlob and then edit CalendarInterface::TimeScaleGlob. In this second field, only translate the IF() part of the calcs, not the result, leaving "day" in lower case towards the end of the calc.
Some of the time formats (the ones on the month view for example) can be switched to 24 hour format using a simple setting in one of our scripts (it is in the script "Format Event Time --- Edit Time Formats for Events Here ---" but others (like the times shown in the left hand column on the schedule screen) will need to be changed in layout mode.

All Day

The phrase "All Day" on the Week and Schedule screens can be found in the field CalendarRows::TimeDisplayMinutesCalc.


Two scripts in the calendar use the English word "Done" when working with the To-Do list and if you're using To-Dos you'll want to edit those to use your own version of that word. Edit the script "Mark Done", where its usage is pretty obvious. Then edit the script "Capture Events by Date Range - Run SQL Query" where you'll see a comment early in the script where you can change the word "Done" in our SQL queries.

How Do I Select a Different Language for the Calendar?

Instructions coming soon.

Can I Modify the Field Labels and Text Shown in the Calendar's Interface.

Instructions coming soon.

Can I Create My Own Languages?

Instructions coming soon.

February 25, 2013, at 04:03 AM by -
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Two scripts in the calendar use the English word "Done" when working with the To-Do list and if you're using To-Dos you'll want to edit those to use your own version of that word. Edit the script "Mark Done", where it's usage is pretty obvious. Then edit the script "Capture Events by Date Range - Run SQL Query" where you'll see a comment early in the script where you can change the word "Done" in our SQL queries.
Two scripts in the calendar use the English word "Done" when working with the To-Do list and if you're using To-Dos you'll want to edit those to use your own version of that word. Edit the script "Mark Done", where its usage is pretty obvious. Then edit the script "Capture Events by Date Range - Run SQL Query" where you'll see a comment early in the script where you can change the word "Done" in our SQL queries.
August 06, 2012, at 03:27 AM by -
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April 18, 2012, at 06:47 AM by -
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The phrase "All Day" on the Week and Schedule screens can be found in the field CalendarRows::TimeDisplayMinutesCalc.
The phrase "All Day" on the Week and Schedule screens can be found in the field CalendarRows::TimeDisplayMinutesCalc.


Two scripts in the calendar use the English word "Done" when working with the To-Do list and if you're using To-Dos you'll want to edit those to use your own version of that word. Edit the script "Mark Done", where it's usage is pretty obvious. Then edit the script "Capture Events by Date Range - Run SQL Query" where you'll see a comment early in the script where you can change the word "Done" in our SQL queries.
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Some of the time formats (the ones on the month view for example) can be switched to 24 hour format using a simple setting in one of our scripts (it is in the script "Format Event Time --- Edit Time Formats for Events Here ---" but others (like the times shown in the left hand column on the schedule screen) will need to be changed in layout mode.
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