How can I filter the calendar?
Filters operate like a find request, letting you see just a subset of the events in the calendar.
Filters are available on the Filters tab in the left hand status area. SeedCode Complete ships with five filters in place already: project, staff, status, resource, and one to show (or hide) just project milestones. ("Active Projects" under the calendar's More tab, use the projects filter, even though it looks like its own filter.)
To see how this works, select an item in the status filter and you'll see the calendar change to show just the items of that status. Note that you can select more than one status in the filter.
Now click "Omit" beside the filter and you'll see everything except events of the status you've selected. These filters works just like the "constrain found set" find request you're already familiar with in FileMaker.
Filtering on different fields
You can point the existing filters at any fields in your events table that you'd like. Mapping filters to fields is done in the "Load Calendar Settings - On Startup..." script you edited as part of your calendar configuration.
Can I add new filters?
Sure. Let's say you wanted to add a filter called "Division" so you could see just the events for one or more divisions of the company. Here's how you'd do it...
Can I pre-filter the calendar so it starts up already filtered?
Yes, and this can be a great way to speed up the calendar if you have tons of events, but many are already "complete" or irrelevant.
Toward the end of the configuration script "Load Calendar Settings - On Startup --- Edit Configuration Here ---" you'll see a comment called "Pre-Filter the calendar if necessary". The next 4 lines set the two default filters that come with our calendar. The lines are currently disable: enable 2 or 4 of them if you have FileMaker Advanced, or recreate the two or four lines you need if you don't.
The first line (the Set Field) in each pair sets the value to be filtered ("Something" in our example), and the second line (the Set Variable) passes that filter into the calendar engine. Both lines in the pair need to be enabled, but you only need to edit the value in the first line of the pair ("Something" in our example).