
Global Variables

Where do the global variables originate?

The following tables will help you find the first/major instance where each of the following variables is declared. You likely won't need to mess with these, but if you're curious...

VariableScript / Step
$$__NinjaCalBaseDate"Refresh Calendar { UseExistingData ; DontRefresh }"
$$__NinjaCalSelectedList"Refresh Calendar { UseExistingData ; DontRefresh }"
$$__NinjaCalSelectedNumbers"NinjaCal ( action ; params )"
$$__NinjaCalSelectedRange"NinjaCal ( action ; params )"
$$sc_ApplySettings"Apply Settings" and "Change a Setting"
$$sc_ArrayActiveProjectIDs"Active Projects"
$$sc_ArrayActiveProjectsContent"Active Projects"
$$sc_ArrayColor"Insert into Calendar - Write Event { No Content }" and "Set Array ( Name , Row , Column , Append , Value )"
$$sc_ArrayContent"Insert into Calendar - Write Event { No Content }" and "Set Array ( Name , Row , Column , Append , Value )"
$$sc_ArrayGantt"Load records into Gantt Chart"
$$sc_ArraySource"Insert into Calendar - Write Event { No Content }" and "Set Array ( Name , Row , Column , Append , Value )"
$$sc_ArrayUID"Insert into Calendar - Write Event { No Content }" and "Set Array ( Name , Row , Column , Append , Value )"
$$sc_Back"Manage Layout Exit" and "Go Back"
$$sc_BackRecording_Off"Upon Opening", "Toggle Side Bar ( Action )", "Show Side Bar by Preference", etc.
$$sc_BackTo"Draw New Off-Screen Window - Main"
$$sc_ClipboardText"Show Clipboard Window ( Title ; Content )" and "Show Change Log"
$$sc_Color"Read iCal Event by Number ( Source ; Number )"
$$sc_ColorCodeBySource"Load Settings - On Startup..."
$$sc_ColorDefault"Load Settings - On Startup..."
$$sc_Column"Insert into Calendar { Column }" and "Insert into Calendar - Write additional time" and "Insert into Calendar - Write additional days ( Date )"
$$sc_DateTimeEnd"Read iCal Event by Number ( Source ; Number )"
$$sc_DateTimeStart"Read iCal Event by Number ( Source ; Number )"
$$sc_DayFilled"Insert into Calendar - Write Event { No Content }"
$$sc_DayFilledNo"Insert iCal File Into Calendar { UseExistingData }" and "Insert into Calendar - Write Event { No Content }"
$$sc_DefaultCalendarSideBar"Load Settings - On Startup..."
$$sc_DefaultSideBar"Load Settings - On Startup..."
$$sc_DefaultTimeScale"Load Settings - On Startup..."
$$sc_DefaultTimeScaleGrid"Load Settings - On Startup..."
$$sc_Developer"Dev ON"
$$sc_DragTargetColumnAuto-enter definition for CalendarRows::CalendarDragRept
$$sc_DragTargetRowAuto-enter definition for CalendarRows::CalendarDragRept
$$sc_FieldForContactID"Load Source's FileMaker Fields"
$$sc_FieldForDateEnd"Load Source's FileMaker Fields"
$$sc_FieldForDateStart"Load Source's FileMaker Fields"
$$sc_FieldForDescription"Load Source's FileMaker Fields"
$$sc_FieldForProjectID"Load Source's FileMaker Fields"
$$sc_FieldForResource"Load Source's FileMaker Fields"
$$sc_FieldForStatus"Load Source's FileMaker Fields"
$$sc_FieldForSummary"Load Source's FileMaker Fields"
$$sc_FieldForTimeEnd"Load Source's FileMaker Fields"
$$sc_FieldForTimestampEnd"Load Source's FileMaker Fields"
$$sc_FieldForTimestampStart"Load Source's FileMaker Fields"
$$sc_FieldForTimeStart"Load Source's FileMaker Fields"
$$sc_FieldForUID"Load Source's FileMaker Fields"
$$sc_FieldTable"Load Source's FileMaker Fields"
$$sc_FilterCriteria"Load Settings - On Startup..." and "Filter Calendar ( Number )"
$$sc_FilterField1"Load Settings - On Startup..."
$$sc_FilterField2"Load Settings - On Startup..."
$$sc_FilterField3"Load Settings - On Startup..."
$$sc_FilterField4"Load Settings - On Startup..."
$$sc_FilterField5"Load Settings - On Startup..."
$$sc_FilterOmit"Omit filter ( Number )"
$$sc_FormattedEvent"Format Event Time --- Edit Time Formats..."
$$sc_FWD"Manage Layout Exit"
$$sc_GanttAllClosed"Open Close Item ( Action )"
$$sc_GanttCells"Load records into Gantt Chart"
$$sc_GanttDateEndWAS"Gantt Dependency Chain - Capture..."
$$sc_GanttDateStartWAS"Gantt Dependency Chain - Capture..."
$$sc_GanttDays"Load records into Gantt Chart"
$$sc_GanttInterval"Load records into Gantt Chart"
$$sc_GanttLeftDate"Load records into Gantt Chart"
$$sc_GanttPhasesClosedList"Load records into Gantt Chart" and "Open Close Item ( Action )"
$$sc_GanttProjectsClosedList"Load records into Gantt Chart" and "Open Close Item ( Action )"
$$sc_GanttRightDate"Load records into Gantt Chart"
$$sc_GanttRows"Load records into Gantt Chart"
$$sc_GanttScrollFrom"Open Close Item ( Action )", "Gantt Scroll Up", and "Open Close Item ( Action )"
$$sc_GanttScrollWAS"Gantt Scroll Up" and "Gantt Scroll Down"
$$sc_GanttSort"Load records into Gantt Chart"
$$sc_GanttStep"Load records into Gantt Chart"
$$sc_GlobalSettings"Apply Settings"
$$sc_GoingBack"Go Back" and "Go FWD"
$$sc_iCal"Write Each Source as an iCal file"
$$sc_iCalRefreshedTimestamp"Write Each Source as an iCal file"
$$sc_iCalRefreshEvery"Load Source Settings by Number ( SourceNo ) { Action }"
$$sc_JobIDLast"On Project Record Leave"
$$sc_LastRow"Load Settings - On Startup..."
$$sc_Mode"Load Calendar Layout", "Go to Calendar Tab ( Tab Name )", and "Go To Day" etc.
$$sc_ModifiedTracker"Record Modification State"
$$sc_MultipleSelection"Load and Display Selector ( SelectValues... }"
$$sc_MultipleSelection_Company"Select Company { CompanyID ; Multiple Selection }"
$$sc_MultipleSelection_Contact"Select Contact { ContactID ; Multiple Selection }"
$$sc_MultipleSelection_Project"Select Project { ProjectID..."
$$sc_NoTime"Insert into Calendar { Column }"
$$sc_NumberOfColumnsAuto-enter definition for CalendarRows::DateRangeEndAutoGlob and "Insert into Calendar { Column }"
$$sc_Repeat_DateList"Build Repetition List ( Repeat_StartDate ; Repeat_Rule )"
$$sc_Repeat_DayOfMonth"Declare Variable ( Name , Value ) { MultipleSelection }"
$$sc_Repeat_DayOfWeek"Declare Variable ( Name , Value ) { MultipleSelection }"
$$sc_Repeat_Mode"Declare Variable ( Name , Value ) { MultipleSelection }" and "Set Initial Repeat Variables"
$$sc_Repeat_MonthName"Declare Variable ( Name , Value ) { MultipleSelection }"
$$sc_Repeat_NthDayOfWeek"Declare Variable ( Name , Value ) { MultipleSelection }"
$$sc_Repeat_NthNumber"Declare Variable ( Name , Value ) { MultipleSelection }"
$$sc_Repeat_NthOption"Declare Variable ( Name , Value ) { MultipleSelection }"
$$sc_Repeat_Rule"Build Repetition Rule"
$$sc_Repeat_StopOption"Declare Variable ( Name , Value ) { MultipleSelection }"
$$sc_Repeat_TargetRecordNumberScript parameters on button "Repeat" on "Event Details"
$$sc_Repeat_TargetWindowScript parameters on button "Repeat" on "Event Details"
$$sc_ReportFooter"Print Bid", "Print Invoice", etc.
$$sc_ReportHeader1"Print Bid", "Print Invoice", etc.
$$sc_ReportHeader2"Print Bid", "Print Invoice", etc.
$$sc_Resource"Read iCal Event by Number ( Source ; Number )" and "Insert iCal File Into Calendar { UseExistingData }"
$$sc_ResourceList"Load Resources" and "Load Filtered Resources" and "Omit Resources"
$$sc_ResourceStartAtNumber"Load Settings - On Startup..." and "Resources Previous" , "Resources Next"
$$sc_ResourceWAS"Click in / Drag Event"
$$sc_RowNumberall "Insert into Calendar..." scripts
$$SC_RowsForAllDayEvents"Load Settings - On Startup..." and "Click in / Drag Event"
$$sc_RowsPerDay"Load Calendar Settings - Each Redraw"
$$sc_Select_SelectedRow"Load and Display Selector ( Select..."
$$sc_SelectCompanyLimitReached"Select Company - Find Companies { ShowAll }"
$$sc_SelectCompanyOriginalID"Select Company - Find Companies { ShowAll }"
$$sc_SelectContactLimitReached"Select Contact - Find Contacts { ShowAll }"
$$sc_SelectContactOriginalID"Select Contact { ContactID ; Multiple Selection }"
$$sc_SelectIDs"Load and Display Selector ( Select..."
$$sc_SelectName"Load and Display Selector ( Select..."
$$sc_SelectNotes"Load and Display Selector ( Select..."
$$sc_SelectProjectLimitReached"Select Project - Find Projects { ShowAll }"
$$sc_SelectProjectOriginalID"Select Project { ProjectID..."
$$sc_SelectValues"Load and Display Selector ( Select..."
$$sc_ShowWhenEmpty"Select Company..." as well as "Select Contact..." and "Select Project..."
$$sc_SolutionWindowName"Upon Opening"
$$sc_SourceCount"Insert iCal File Into Calendar { UseExistingData }"
$$sc_SourceDisplayURL"Load Source Settings by Number ( SourceNo ) { Action }"
$$sc_SourceInUse"Insert iCal File Into Calendar { UseExistingData }"
$$sc_SourceName"Load Source Settings by Number ( SourceNo ) { Action }"
$$sc_SourcesActive"Load Settings - On Startup --- Edit Configuration Here ---" and "Select / De-Select Source ( Number )"
$$sc_SourceToDefaultForNewItems"Load Settings - On Startup..."
$$sc_SourceType"Load Source Settings by Number ( SourceNo ) { Action }"
$$sc_SourceURL"Load Source Settings by Number ( SourceNo ) { Action }"
$$sc_Success"Clear iCal Parsing Variables"
$$sc_Summary"Read iCal Event by Number ( Source ; Number )"
$$sc_SystemFormat"Check System formats"
$$sc_TimeEnd"Read iCal Event by Number ( Source ; Number )"
$$sc_TimeSortBy"Browse Time", "Time Chart" and "Sort Time Browse Layout"
$$sc_TimeStart"Read iCal Event by Number ( Source ; Number )"
$$sc_UID"Read iCal Event by Number ( Source ; Number )"
$$sc_Week"Insert into Calendar { Column }"
$$sc_WeekRows"Load Calendar Settings - Each Redraw"
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